chemical warfare




Yeah,Thats a lite case of dinos.But if you dont get em under control now,they'll become a full grown outbreak.
Like Rc said,Its not sunny on the reef 365 days a year.So a few days without light wont hurt anything.Personally,I think our tanks would even do a lot better and have less algae trouble if WE'D just give our tanks a day or 2 with the lights off a week.
that's part of the reason I'm upgrading to a GHL controller - cloudy day simulation can be enabled! I have some new corals that are still adjustng, so I'm hoping they'll make it: I'm taking you & RC's advice - keeping the lights out for a few days. Kind of annoyed, cant find my carbon reactor anywhere...afraid once I put the lights back on, if the conditions (whatever they may be since I can't figure it out) are still there, the dinos may come back.

I've heard conflicting advice on the water changes - my book on nuisance algae advises not to do any changes. I already did one 20 gallon water change with little results...I'm skimming really heavy and trying to disturb the dinos as much as possible so they get sucked up from the skimmer.

I was about to dose with some anti-algal chemicals, but the figured it will probably just kill the very things competing with dinos for nutrients.

Do you think its the new lights that triggered it? I added a bunch of new nass snails yesterday to help me take care of detritus even more, just in case that's a contributor - although I think that would be a cyano related problem.
The thing about Dinos,is there 100s of different types.Some feed on excess nutrients.Some need the very conditions we try to keep in our tanks to thrive.And unless your a protozoan expert,you wont know the difference.Thats what makes them so hard to kill out.
Go with Rc's suggestion and give it a try for 3 or 4 weeks and see if it helps.If it dont,then try something else. I wish I knew what actually worked for me,but the truth is,I was trying anything and everything I could think of all at the same time.So I dont know what actually killed them out of my tank.
btw, if you guys check out craigslist, you can get a great deal on dinos. I'm selling them for only $15 a cup full.
Wanted to update you guys; it's been a week w/only an hour of lighting a day or so for feeding.

Looks like most of it cleared up, going to go a few more days and go to a minimum lighting schedule until my adapter for my profilux arrives. At that point, I'll be able to better schedule the lighting to my needs...

So far so good, thanks for the advice!
Another update: Turned the lights on most of the day today, and so far, no diatoms.
Looks like I may have nipped it in the bud, but hopefully I'm not speaking too soon.

Actually, a bunch of corals actually 3 variets of GSP are psuedo-taking over the tank, but they don't seem too's more like they are filling in the gaps nicely.