Check this out


In Memoriam
A gold skirted Limphet I found crusinin the rock this evening.


Probably my coolest find to date.:bounce:
that looks really cool. i love finding stuff like that. I really wish i could find something cool. just found another aptasia tonight. not fun.
i have 2 of those in my tank... not the same color but they are the same thing. Are those reef safe? and safe in general to keep?
i have 2 of those in my tank... not the same color but they are the same thing. Are those reef safe? and safe in general to keep?

I rhink theres one type thats supposed to be bad,but the others are fairly safe.Mainly just feed on different algaes and coralline.
Thats neat Yote. I've never seen one of those before.

Check this out. I think it's a Chiton. I knew it was in there last year, but I hadn't seen it in over 12 months. Figured it was dead. Last week I spotted it crawling around on my rocks.

Click for larger picture.

I know it's hard to spot. It's got a hard shell and a segmented body. It's about 1" long.
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Yeah,Rc.Thats a Chiton.
The first one I ever saw,I thought it was some kind of fossil on the rock.
Some of em can change colors to match the rock their on.
I thought it was a fossil too!! :mrgreen:

Then it moved!!! :shock:

" W.T.F is that?!?!? "

Kinda neat. Prehistoric crustacean in the tank. :Cheers:
I dont want no aiptasias either.:D
Rc,Whats fun is having somebody looking at the tank and pointing out a Chiton to them and calling it a fossil.Then watching the look on their faces when it moves.:mrgreen:

Puffer,I'll bet you got more than 2 of those Limphets in there.
Just out of curiosity (and I don't mean to take this thread) but how does everybody get their hitchhikers? I'm assuming that the more advanced tanks are no longer getting rock added so the only thing I can think of is on coral frags?

And btw - love the way all those things look.
You'd be surprised at just how long something can go unnoticed in a reef tank.
It took 6 months for me to find out I had a mantis in my old 75.A lot times the hitch hikers will be in their larval stages when introduced,then you'll never know their in there untill become adults.