hello guys.. today i was reefing..( again)..i found a beutifull rock with polyps on it...very nice....i put it in my bucket for later check...when i was checking the rocks ..to see wich one ill choose and wich ones to put back in the ocean i took the piece i was talking about before..there was a little cave..i always check hole by hole..there it was ..so ugly.. a green huge manthis..i took a piece of fine steel..and began a figth to take it out..finally i won and crush the bastard...but somting in my mind said keep looking at that little hole..deep in it were the manthis was..i saw hundreds..i dont know if im exagerating...of little round green eggs..a manthis nest..so if i didnt check twice that hole ill probably had hundreds of manthis in my tank..figure...to be shure i put that beautifull rock back to the ocean...whats the morale of the story..allways check every hole when buying frags and rocks..rinse it well and check hole by hole...never knows when one of this little bastard is hitch hicking....thanks!!!:helm2: