Change over


Reefing newb
I am getting a reef ready tank next week and I am going to switch over my current tank (overflow box) to the new tank. My sand is a little dirty but i am sure it is full of bacteria. I have read everything about switching but I just have a few questions:

1. I have a 4” sand bed can I bring it all over to the new tank?
2. I am doing a refuguim do I still need bioballs?
3. Am I supposed to use sand or the mud for my refuge
4. here is my refuge what do you think

I just switched my tank over. I used all my old sand. I also put some of the old in the furge. I put a DSB in the furge. I also added some new sand. I also made my own sump. I put my furge in the middle. Not sure if it really matters someone else can fill you in on that. Everyone I know does away with bio balls big nitrate builder. I had no cycle and all my fish and corals are doing good.
Why is the return section in the middle? Most sumps with 3 sections go like this: skimmer/equipment - refugium - return pump. You can reuse all of your own sandbed, but you may start a minicycle from disturbing it. I don't think it'd be too bad though.

There's no need for bioballs if you have enough live rock in your tank (1 to 2 lbs per gallon). Bioballs create nitrate problems unless they are cleaned regularly, so I advise most people to just get rid of them and not use them at all.

You can use sand or mud for your fuge. In mine, I use a deep sand bed, but lots of people use mud for the essential elements it provides. It's up to you.
Your design is a little confusing...Why do you have the water from the main tank go into two separate areas of your sump fuge? The water should travel from one end (water in) to the other (water back up).

You have your return in the middle also which i dont really get....
Actually, i think your design is creating more flow. From what i see, water is directly entering the fuge from the main tank. This will definitely create more current or even disrupt the sand depending on how strong the water is entering the fuge).

If you put your fuge in the middle instead, the entering water will have the opportunity to settle first and slowly flow over to the fuge and from the fuge to the return area.
4)On my sump,the water drains on both sides and gets return in the middle just like your drawing.You should be fine.It would be better to have the flow in a V to both sides of the sump instead of the T.Water moving horizontally causes a lot of gurggling and slows down the gravity effect.

1)Sure bring all the sand over depending on how deep you want the sand bed.Use any leftover in the fuge.It may start a cycle but it will go quick.
2)If you have plenty of live rock then ditch the bioballs.Cleaning them on a regular basis is to much work.Aim for at least 1lb per gallon.
3)Sand or mud is up to you.I've seen people even mix the two.Remember that mud has to be replaced after so long.I can't remember how long though.
if you have enough LR in the DT, you won't need any bioballs at all. they are not recommended for a reef tank, IMO

so biff and everyone else you all are saying put the fudge in the middle of the filter

Don't put fudge in the sump.:mrgreen:
You can do either way,both will work.I prefer some control over how fast or slow water is pushed through the fuge.When people buy custom sumps/fuge than your picture is what they build.Not only Melevs does it that way,so does My Reef Creations(MRC).