

Reefing newb
I have some caulerpa algae that is covering a baseball sized rock that i bought, and is starting to grow more and use up my calcium and everything that I dose. Is there any way to get rid of it? I wont be able to use tweezers, cuz the runners are in the ridges of the rock where i can't get to. is the only way to toss it outside for a couple days and let it dry out? there is nothing else on there except some coralline
If you can pull out the rock and pull off all the algae and then scrub it with a bristle brush. It nothing else works then you can boil it.
how long would i have to boil it? i have tried everything i can think of and everything some other people around me can think of
I currently have to use our well water with a coditioner because i dont have the money to get an ro/di yet, and i dont have the money to be constantly buying distilled, everything that i have (softies), all are growing quite well and thriving, so for now until i get my 75 up and running i will be using well water