Cant decide

Biff, you offerin that to Yote or suggesting??? I like my octo but I have only had it running for a few days. I am not a good resource on that one, although I do think the link I sent you is a good price and a good skimmer.
Yote, if you go t-5's, it seems to me(like I know anything) that they are limited vendors that sale them at 6' and your choices are pretty much between a couple of setups. Do you have any preferences already?
Biff, you offerin that to Yote or suggesting???

Sorry Biff I changed gears on ya, Trying to aggravate you and then tell Yote my thoughts on the skimmer link I sent him. I thought maybe you were gonna just give your skimmer to Yote for all the fine work he does on LR. ha
HAHAHA.I about went blind when I looks at the price of those lights.
I'm figuring on a 72" set of Nove Extreme Pros for lights.Mainly because I can get em at store cost+shipping.Which is a lot cheaper than I can get them on-line.
And I've noticed that it is hard to find a 6 foot fixture.I wanted a Tek fixture,but they only make em 4 foot.
Biff,Care to post me a couple of pics of how you got your skimmer plumbed in?It sure would help.

Hopefully I'll get off work early enough one evening this week to go by and pick the tank up.Then I'll know the exact measurements of what I've got to play with.
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I'm thinking of going with a 40gal sump and a 30gal refugium.IF I can get both under the stand.Just wont know for sure untill thurday or friday,if I get off work at my paying job before the store closes.
I was looking at tanks today for ya. I would either go 40g breeder or 55g standard if it will fit. A 40 will give you plenty of room to add the 29g fuge. You could do a 40 with skimmer/cheato fuge/return with a 20tall turned lengthwise for a DSB. If the stand is only 18" wide that could be a prob.
Or another thought would be to go skimmer/frag tank/return with the 29g cheato fuge?
That way when you frag you SPS to ship to me you would have a great place to store them to save on "your" shipping cost. ha
I'm planning on the fuge being external.That way I can control exactly how much flow goes through it.Been thinking about daisy chaining a couple of RDSBs to go along with it.
And that link gives me some good ideas.
Since you are an SPS lover,I think a little more money for the Aquactinics is the way to go.Much better individual reflectors and build quality and I'm not saying that just because I have one.