My biggest concern is the build of of solid waste on the rock and sand surfaces.
That's where a good skimmer comes in handy. And they make HOB skimmers of you are worried about using an in-sump skimmer. Unlike a canister filter, a skimmer uses air bubble and foam to lift solid particles out of your water column. With enough flow in your tank, you won't have dead spots where solid waste gets trapped and it will be removed from the water by the skimmer. And when you go to do water changes you can use a turkey baster to blow stuff off your rocks to help remove it from the tank.
As for flooding concerns with a sump, these are usually caused by a mismatch between return pump rates and overflow box flow rates, breaks in siphons, and power outtages. BUT with some planning up front you can avoid most floods (you can get small pumps to restart your siphon if it fails, float valves to shut down pumps when the water level gets too high or too low, etc. It took me a little time to figure it all out, but once I started drawing pictures and thinking through all of the scenarios that could either cause the sump or DT to overflow I was able to put back up systems in place to pretty much prevent disasters from happening. The only floods I've had (so far lol) were becuase I used irrigation piping instead of pvc initially and it just wasn't strong enough to handle the flow and ruptured. Since fixing that, everything has operated smoothly for me.