Can you have too much LR?

You have all been most helpful what a wonderful group you all are, I am so glad I found Living Reefs, you all seem so close even though i'm in the UK
Ok, Here's some an FTS, and two side shots, sorry about the wiring in the one, I still have to clean that up. I've decided to use a 10g tank for a refugium so hopefully I'll be able to fit two of my rocks in there.



I like the layout too, but I am a little concerned about that top-most rock. How secure is it? You really wouldn't want that one toppling down.
THANKS FOR THE COMMENT,I really have struggled to upload photo's into living reef, I downloaded free from Filehippo Paint,Net a photo editing programme, reduced the photo sizes to 600x400 pixels and Roberts you fathers brother, and the top piece of rock, its the only piece fixed with marine putty:bounce::^:
I can see how it was difficult.. those are some big pieces of rocks. I was lucky I could hand pick mine so I had a few large pieces, few small etc etc.

I think it looks great...personally I might break the top few rocks into smaller pieces and connect with rod to create some more space for corals as well as a more open rock layout to allow more flow and more swimming space etc.

I think it looks great..regardless....but if you have time on your hands...there is always something to try.
I can see how it was difficult.. those are some big pieces of rocks. I was lucky I could hand pick mine so I had a few large pieces, few small etc etc.

I think it looks great...personally I might break the top few rocks into smaller pieces and connect with rod to create some more space for corals as well as a more open rock layout to allow more flow and more swimming space etc.

I think it looks great..regardless....but if you have time on your hands...there is always something to try.

Thanks for your comments, the top crown is fixed with marine putty, all of the other pieces rely on their own weight, all seems solid enough but will keep an eye on it all as the hermits climb all over, only found one on the carpet 10ft away from the tank and he was asleep, have now blocked all escape routes, did you know they escape I didn't
Are those Koralia Evo Power Heads?
yea, they're both koralia nanos (240 & 425 gph)

I dont know BL1 I kinda like how that rock looks.You've got plenty of places to sit corals and holes and caves for the fish.
thanks yote, I guess I'm just used to seeing the tank very open with lots of space to see stuff around the tank.

I like the layout too, but I am a little concerned about that top-most rock. How secure is it? You really wouldn't want that one toppling down.
Thanks AG, the top rock should be ok for now it's actually sitting in a kind of hole created by the other rocks. Everything will probably get moved around though after I get my sump setup and a few pieces moved in there.

On another note, Algy, is there a reason you're answering my posts? It's a little weird
yea, they're both koralia nanos (240 & 425 gph)

thanks yote, I guess I'm just used to seeing the tank very open with lots of space to see stuff around the tank.

Thanks AG, the top rock should be ok for now it's actually sitting in a kind of hole created by the other rocks. Everything will probably get moved around though after I get my sump setup and a few pieces moved in there.

On another note, Algy, is there a reason you're answering my posts? It's a little weird
Sorry was the question regarding the Koralia not addressed to me?
Thanks for your comments, the top crown is fixed with marine putty, all of the other pieces rely on their own weight, all seems solid enough but will keep an eye on it all as the hermits climb all over, only found one on the carpet 10ft away from the tank and he was asleep, have now blocked all escape routes, did you know they escape I didn't
I was actually referring to this post.
I didn't realize I was being unchill, but at 3 in the morning it did seem a little weird ... I think I know what happened though
no big deal...