Can you have too much LR?


So, I'm wondering if you can have too much LR in your tank. I just got my second shipment from TBS and I was only expecting 1 or 2 more pieces of rock, well I got 6 more pieces and not tiny either. Now my tank just looks cluttered to me ... it's a 29g with 58 lbs. of rock, I plan on putting some in my refugium when it's finished but, I still don't think that much will be coming out of the DT. If needed, I can post a pic in the morning to get your opinions.
Naww...I have approx 105lbs of rockwork in my 29gal. Check out my thread to get an idea. Oh, and I don't have a sump neither.
Yeah I asked the same question like a week ago,

Then i saw Smittys Tank:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

I think I need to fly him out here to stack my rock:mrgreen:
I have about the same amount of LR, 55+ lbs, in my DT also. The thing to remember is that the more LR you have the less amount of water you'll have.
I have a 33 with around the same amount of rock... Feel free to check out my tank showcase thread and you can see the comparison directly.

I also found it looked well....cluttered/ However, I drilled some of the rock and used 1/4 clear plastic rod to create some cool shapes and depth and now I think it looks great.

I say the more the better but A) you still need to leave the fish places to swim and hide b) you need to make it so flow can still go around the rocks. c) if you are planning on having corals..make sure to leave places for them to go :) d) it has to look good :)

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It's all up to you, and what you think looks good. If you think it looks too cluttered, then into the sump it goes! Also, feel free to break up any huge pieces with a hammer and chisel to make them fit better.
I think I'll have to do the chisel and hammer thing because TBS sent some big chunks considering the size of my tank. Unfortunately, all you guys with the 29g are at a little advantage to me because the NanoCube is well a cube and gives me less width to work with (even though granted I probably have more depth to play with)
I would say if your fish are pressed against the glass, that MIGHT be too much rock. Other than that, ROCK on! :P
So, I'm wondering if you can have too much LR in your tank. I just got my second shipment from TBS and I was only expecting 1 or 2 more pieces of rock, well I got 6 more pieces and not tiny either. Now my tank just looks cluttered to me ... it's a 29g with 58 lbs. of rock, I plan on putting some in my refugium when it's finished but, I still don't think that much will be coming out of the DT. If needed, I can post a pic in the morning to get your opinions.

Hi BL1 I have recently set up a 250L tank, I bid on ebay for 25kg of cured live rock and won when I got it home and weighed the 3 plastic bins the total weight was 100kg, this has all been placed in my tank and looks great, have tried uploading photos but have been unsuccessful so far, so no you cannot put too much in your tank:wave:
Usually best to start a free account with one of the photo sharing sites. Many of us use photobucket. Then you can copy your image code here to share your photos. As for too much rock.....the only thing I would caution you about is to make sure you have enough flow AROUND your rock. Otherwise, waste can get trapped back there and raise your nitrates, creating other problems in your tank. I have a 125 gallon tank and about 250 lbs of rock in there. *L*
Right On, can U tell me how to put my photo against my profile like you have done

Are you talking about a photo under your name? You need to go to "User CP" up at the top, then on the left hand side there should be a link to change your avatar. You can upload your pic there, but it has to be within the size limit.
BL1 post pics please! Im getting my second shipment of rock from TBS today and i want to see what im in for lol. I have a cube too!
Right On, can U tell me how to put my photo against my profile like you have done

Are you talking about a photo under your name? You need to go to "User CP" up at the top, then on the left hand side there should be a link to change your avatar. You can upload your pic there, but it has to be within the size limit.

Biff's got you covered, but I noticed you haven't done it yet. Still having problems?
Are you talking about a photo under your name? You need to go to "User CP" up at the top, then on the left hand side there should be a link to change your avatar. You can upload your pic there, but it has to be within the size limit.
Cant seem to find a photo small enough to let me upload, keeps telling me upload failed:grumble:

seems I can only upload one of Living Reefs, but have had no success with my reef tank photo's yet, will keep trying
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I agree with everyone saying more is better.The thing is,you need to get creative.Don't just dump it in there in big piles.I'm always adding more,and i just made some pretty nifty rock arches that i think are pretty cool..I think cool aquascapes are half the pleasure of looking into our tanks