Can Uggo get stuck?


Reef enthusiast
My new algae eating machine, Uggo the sea hare really crams himself into some tight places, and I even found him sitting on my mag3 for the skimmer. Can he get stuck? I'm worried about him getting trapped in some rock or something.

Man is he ugly
He can get stuck to powerheads and pumps, and that will kill him, just like getting stuck to a powerhead killed my poor Jessica I. But as far as wedging themselves in rocks and stuff, I doubt they'd get themselves in anywhere that they couldn't get out of. Or else they'd probably be extinct by now. They do bury themselves in the sand.
Oh ya, the dog wanted to pee at 4am this morning(lucky me) and when I took a look under the lunars, It took me forever to find him, till I saw just his head sticking out of the sand
You may have to put a sponge or somethiing on the intake of your skimmer pump to keep uggo from getting stuck to it.But they can get into some pretty tight places in the rock work.There just like a rabbit thay can fit anywhere.