Can Open Brains recover?


Reef enthusiast
The one coral in my shipment that didn't look good was the open brain. It is losing tissue. Can it recover or is it a goner once that starts?
Corals can recover from just one cell. It might not look good, but if its got flesh on it, its got a chance. I have a frog spawn that had two sickly looking heads. Nedless to say, the heads died, but there are now like 20 new baby heads growin.
mabey as long as a bacterial infection does not set in and your water chemistry is stable and top notch the biggest thing is bacteria killing it off
and not all coral can recover from a single cell, although many can and do i dont beleive brains do very often
best of luck my friend
While they can recover,you need to really keep an eye on it.If you see what looks like brown jelly on it,pull it out and toss it.