Can angelfish PMS?


Reef enthusiast
So, my flame angel has become a bully lately. The clown (her only other main companion) got ill and moved to the QT tank last week, and since then she's started eating my xenia and bullying the watchman goby (who doesn't come out often in the first place). Now, with the new wrasse I got last night, she's periodically chasing him all over the place. he's fast enough to stay away from her, but I worry the wrasse will get stressed. How long is normal for fish to sort out their differences? Or, conversely, when should I think about taking the wrasse out and back to the LFS if the angel fish doesn't lay off?

thanks guys!
You could move the angel to the QT for a week or two, rearrange the rock work some and anything else to make the environment different, and then reintroduce the angel fish. Might work. Kinda like a time out!
Thanks guys :) I"ll keep that in mind... She seems to be fine, now, so maybe they've worked it out... so long as the wrasse doesn't go in her cave, she seems to have finally accepted him.