calcium buffers


Reefing newb
Just getting started , system has cycled about 10 days, started adding some corals..beautiful...added appropriate amount of calcium buffer, part a then part b, as suggested..the tank is all cloudy now..from what I have been researching it appears perhaps I added too quickly and it has precipited out of what? Will this clear up on its own or do I need to do something...

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thoughts or suggestions

does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on my next step with this? It is frustrating not being able to see the tank clearly? :frustrat:
First off you should have waited for your cycle to complete before adding coral. The cloud should go away, assuming you have nice flow and a skimmer to help. When I add my 2 part, the alk is part B, I add it directly to tank, 7 mL's, it clouds for about 5 seconds.
You need to buy some patients now for sure. after the cycle (at least 21 days minimum) you should wait until algae start to show and then add your cleanup crew, once coraline algae starts to show you can start to add your fish, if the fish live for at least 3 months then corals. anyway on your immediate problem you have parcipitated out, so now you just need to wait it out and do water changes every week or so say 20 percent and do not add any more additives. if you are having to add additives so soon something is wrong to start with. have you tested water parameters and determined additives are needed. never add anything to the system unless you have tested to determine the need for it. anyways good luck and be patient the water will eventually clear. while you are waiting go to the helpful articles forum and read the articles labled beginners, and newbies, and while there browse around and read other articles that sound interesting to you. you will find most of the answers there on how to proceed and what to do next. once you have done a bit of reading and you have questions back here to this thread, post questions and someone will try to help best as we can. good luck and welcome.

Thanks JH and reefwannabe.....okay so patience is not one of my strong points...working on it though, I thought I was with this. I have a skimmer and I think good flow. I'll wait to complete cycling and then add the rest of a cleaner crew when the algae appears. Then fish... So I'll wait this snowstorm out and not add anything until the tank recovers. Do I need to get the corals out during the wait out?

your thoughts and advice is very much appreciated...
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If you have to remove the corals or not will be based on what your water params are? What are your readings? If your ammo or nitrite are still cycling and especially if they haven't peaked yet then yes you need to get the coral out of there or you will almost definitely lose them. Run a full range of tests and post the results here that will help to at least identify what the tank is doing.
water parameters

Hello Squibley2...

thanks for checking on me...okay here we go...I think I am okay....what do you think?

pH 8.4
alk 240 ppm (not sure what this is in meq/l)
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
salinity 1.024
water temp. 79

The water is starting to clear up..from what I can tell corals, gobie, hermit crabs okay.
pH is too high. you are at the upper end and no room for error. I recommend 8.2 upper end at a temperature of 78. adjust temp 1st then pH, but do so very slowly. also make sure you keep an eye on your substrait to make sure it does not trun hard on top due to the parcipitation, use a turkey baster and or small pump with hose to blow off rock and corals. not real hard but enough to dislodge any fallout that has settled on things. any loose left will then be picked up by your filter. do this several times a week until all looks clean after the made storm. just go slow and keep an eye on things for now. good luck.
adjustments to pH

Thanks jh,

I started to dust off tonight...I'll adjust temp down to do I adjust ph?... thanks again for the tips..
adjustments to pH

Thanks jh,

I started to dust off tonight...I'll adjust temp down to do I adjust ph?... thanks again for the tips..
adjustments to pH

Thanks jh,

I started to dust off tonight...I'll adjust temp down to do I adjust ph?... thanks again for the tips..
I will post a new article in the helful articles labled co2 and pH later today. wait for that article and then read it. basically, once you have gotten your temperature to 78, check to see if your cirulation is good through out the tank, if you have a complet cover over the tank consider opening up part to let the air exchange and move some are (small fan) over the top of the water, also, do you have a surface skimmer (water pulled from the top) if not you can get a surface extractor and connect it to a canister filter, or, if you do, then you are ok there. so, good water circulation throughout and at the surface. hope this helps. see new article for more detailed explaination. might be why you Ph is so high. Also, read the other articles on pH. good luck keep us posted.