

Reefing newb
All of the sudden I have a ton of mini bubbles floating around my tank and on top of my rocks. I haven't changed anything. I put the oxygen tube on my power head when I started the tank. It looks like I've got a bunch of stuff floating in my tank but I think it's mostly just bubbles. I don't guess it'll hurt anything but I'm just wondering why now.
yeah, that airline tubing shouldnt be on your powerhead pumps unless they are being used for a skimmer or freshwater fish. Just pull off that airline tubing and it should work fine.
I took it off last night and their all gone this morning. It was kinda weird that they just all the sudden appeared.
Now though I noticed there is still a lot of stuff blowing around. Looks like dust. Is it just the diatoms being blown around by the water movment?
aughh!! their back. I shut off the power head and I'll see what it looks like in the morning. The power head is completely under water so it's not drawing air from anywhere so it's either that or the filter.
A lot of times when you get micro-bubbles they will build up in the power heads.Then when they break lose the pumps blows them again.
But just in case,check every thing and make sure the nothing is causing any bubbles in the tank.
The power head which is completely under water is still blowing some bubbles. The filter is the biggest culprit though. I saw it burping a ton on micro-bubbles the other night a few times. I cleaned it out, checked the lines and it is still doing it. I don't know why. There doesn't seem to be any air leaks in the line.