Bubbles on live rock bad?


Reefing newb

Got 2 mushrooms yesterday from my lfs and noticed these all over the rock
Bubbles are usually sign of a impending algae outbreak. If it is bubble algae, there are certain things that will eat it that you can put in there. For the life of me, I can't think of any of the names right now. I'll do some research for you and see what I can come up with.
Emerald crabs will eat it, Fin City usually has them in stock for like 6-9$. A couple would make quick work of it (And the ones they sell are relatively small)
Emerald Crabs are known to eat bubble algae but its not a guarantee that they will if you put one in. Be careful not to rupture the bubbles if you remove them manually if they do the spores will spread throughout your tank.
Emerald Crabs are known to eat bubble algae but its not a guarantee that they will if you put one in. Be careful not to rupture the bubbles if you remove them manually if they do the spores will spread throughout your tank.

Yea that's what I read that's why I didn't want to risk it.
A few bubbles are usually pretty easy to remove with a sharp knife, but it looked like thee was quite an outbreak on that piece of rock. Maybe not worth the effort and risk...bubble algae can be a nasty foe...
A few bubbles are usually pretty easy to remove with a sharp knife, but it looked like thee was quite an outbreak on that piece of rock. Maybe not worth the effort and risk...bubble algae can be a nasty foe...

Yea i would have tried to get it off but i have a broken hand right now and can't do anything lol.
I deal with red and green bubble algae. I have a few emerald crabs to keep it to a minimum. Keeping your nutrients low also helps. Even though you threw out that rock, you may find it pop up again. Live rock is too expensive to throw it all out lol