Bristle Worm?

I heard bristle worms arent bad for the tank as they eat organic material.. Know Fire worms are bad from what i have read.. What do you guys think it is? and is it bad or not?


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+2...,I got a couple pics I'll post when I get home to show you what happens if you overfeed like I did. Creepy!
....forgot to mention..all of these worms (100's of them) were in my 10 gallon tank. I also had 6 blue leg hermits and never had an issue with the worms killing the crabs, corals or fish.
Just because Homer has a vid of a nearly dead hermit getting checked out by a bristle doesnt make bristles the the hard core killers he claims.

I got a bristle vid for you to watch Homer....A bristleworm chewing algae off the glass. And now since I showed you the proof, you are going to tell everyone that bristles are glass cleaning, algae grazers right?
.... and they eat hermit crabs.. no probs

So if you baleve those videos then hermit crabs eat clownfish!!!
[ame=]3 hermit crabs eating a clown fish - YouTube[/ame]

But realy... crabs wont eat healthy fish and bristle worms wont eat crabs or snail. Infact i am looking to buy a few bristle worms because i didn't get any in my LR
....forgot to mention..all of these worms (100's of them) were in my 10 gallon tank. I also had 6 blue leg hermits and never had an issue with the worms killing the crabs, corals or fish.
Just because Homer has a vid of a nearly dead hermit getting checked out by a bristle doesnt make bristles the the hard core killers he claims.

I got a bristle vid for you to watch Homer....A bristleworm chewing algae off the glass. And now since I showed you the proof, you are going to tell everyone that bristles are glass cleaning, algae grazers right?

bristleworm2 - YouTube

Yes... I will tell that they are omnivores... They are goot scavangers if the food is enough... if not... The hermit dies :)
Yes... I will tell that they are omnivores... They are goot scavangers if the food is enough... if not... The hermit dies :)

IME, I have had hermits kill more stuff in my tank than bristle worms. They would kill my nass snails when I fed the tank. The poor snails didn't stand a chance...
I don`t care that much guys... Just making you mad... If You want, You can put octopus in your aquarium.. don`t give a sh :) ... I am European, there for like all of us, we kinda don`t agree with Americans and we don`t like them... But then again, I am going to move to america in the next five years... so again...
I don`t care that much guys... Just making you mad... If You want, You can put octopus in your aquarium.. don`t give a sh :) ... I am European, there for like all of us, we kinda don`t agree with Americans and we don`t like them... But then again, I am going to move to america in the next five years... so again...
Now thats not very nice Homer....My father was born in Latvia. He seems to like it here On my mothers side I have 9 relatives that helped all those American hating Europeans defeat the Nazis when Hitler was going around kicking all of yalls ass's. Four of them died over there by the way. Seems everyone hates America and Americans until they want something. Like that little thing called freedom...Oh and another thing my father fought for the good old USA in Vietnam and I also fought in the gulf war....Those people in Kuwait sure where happy to see us. Well the ones that had the good fortune of not being killed by the Iraqis and their dictator. So by all means go on hating us, just think about it the next time you go to your company that you own. Do you think Hitler would have allowed that little venture...or Stalin even?
Now thats not very nice Homer....My father was born in Latvia. He seems to like it here On my mothers side I have 9 relatives that helped all those American hating Europeans defeat the Nazis when Hitler was going around kicking all of yalls ass's. Four of them died over there by the way. Seems everyone hates America and Americans until they want something. Like that little thing called freedom...Oh and another thing my father fought for the good old USA in Vietnam and I also fought in the gulf war....Those people in Kuwait sure where happy to see us. Well the ones that had the good fortune of not being killed by the Iraqis and their dictator. So by all means go on hating us, just think about it the next time you go to your company that you own. Do you think Hitler would have allowed that little venture...or Stalin even?

I don`t hate Americans, I just don`t like them, like most of the Europeans...

And as far as I know, Hitler was not defeated by America... And America did not Help Latvia in a smallest matter not even close... We were occupied by germands and then by Fing russians ... Our brothers fought on both sides, and had to kill family members if they were on the other side.. 7 million ukrainians were starved to death, America didn`t give shit about it... Again, I don`t hate Americans, I am just very true and honest and direct, I was raised in Soviet Union, weak were eaten or killed, or arrested and turtured... OH, and by the way, Europeans don`t like the arrogance that comes with every american :)
I had tons of these guys, never harmed anything. I did see a couple times my hermits killing snails. Ill take bristle worms any day, they will keep food waste down.

On another note, dont call americans arrogant at the same time you say you dont like yhem. Our country is huge with so many dif types of people it only makes you sound just like what you are claiming americans are...and why come here if you dont like us? I've never understood that...Ive heard it before from foreigners. "my country is so much better, America sucks..." Yet they come here and stay as long as they can...