Botryocladia sp


Reefing newb
I have a question about my Botryocladia sp (red grape kelp) I wonder if my coral beauty angel will eat it? I want to put it in the DT because I think it will do better there under the MH lighting. But if my coral beauty angel will eat it ..then never mind, I'll just keep it in the smaller tank. I know the Botryocladia sp is a favorite meal for herbivorous fish, but is it a favorite with the omnivore? She doesn't mess with the razor kelp and I know tangs love razor kelp. Thanks

4 month old 120 gallon tank
80lbs of live rock
3" of live sand
1 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Coral Beauty Angel
1 green brittle star
1 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
2 tongan fighting conch's
6 blue green Chromis fish
6 Super Tongan Nassarius Snails
8 Trochus Snails
12 Cerith Snails
13 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs
1 razor kelp

PH 8.2
nitrate 0
nitrite 0
ammonia 0

2 month old 20 gallon tank
4 margarita snails
1 trochus snail < it came with two feather tube worms on his shell orange and one red..pretty cool and they seem to be doing alright.
4 cerith snails
1 Botryocladia sp red grape kelp on a rock
1 coral that I can't came with the plant..I hope it does well because I wasn't expecting to care for a coral this early.
1 round tonga live rock
and 3" of live sand

PH 8.2
nitrate 0
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
Maybe I'll take a piece of the red grape alga and see if the angel will eat it. I will also take a picture of that coral I can't identify. Then maybe I'll have some idea on how to care for it. I would really hate for that coral to die because silly sent me a plant with a coral. Hey I got a free coral so I am not complaining too loud.