Blue Tang help!!

Heres what he is talking about


It is very common among Blue tangs as they love to Bump there face on the rock work

It is often mistaken for Ich
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it's similar to that, but there's a line going across the whole body inside the dark blue line they have...and also it seems to get bigger and bigger around the eye in a grayish color, i'll try to get some pics, it's really hard, he gets away once he sees the camera
That line could be laterial line.If it is,its caused by poor nutrition.
Is he getting any algae in his diet?
yea that's what i was thinking, but then i read about ich, but i was a lil confused. As far as algae goes, he doesn't seem to eat it, i've tried 3 different kinds already and nothing, what can i do?? I tried purple and green/brown seaweed and a frozen algae mix
UPDATE: he seems to be eating the algae, and now i'm wondering, if he keeps eating the algae, are his grey spots gonna go away??
i'm also about to go to my LFS and get another powerhead as well as a phosphate remover, i'll keep you guys updated on his status!!
Those gray spots on his face are normal.Every single blue tang i've ever seen had them.And trust me,When you help aprt time at the LFS you see a lot of blue tangs.
almost all of the blue tangs ive seen around here has some kind of descoloration on his face or body..i guess they all are succeptible to this
I have seen lateral line reverse and most scares will go away, keep him eating his greens and add vitamins like Zoe or vita chem to his frozen foods this will help.

good luck
yea, i started to feed him more greens, hopefully he gets better soon.
also i put in a ground probe just in case i had too much electricity in the water...
Id say you have gotten it narrowed down now. It does sound like lateral line. The spots or freckles people keep talking about are normal on regals. but are usually very fine speckles like glitter. so not usually noticable unless your looking for them. usually when a regal gets lateral line it starts with larger spots on the face and then moves down the back as if to follow the fishes spine. Usually a change in diet will help bring the fish out of it. but it isnt an overnight healing process. it takes time for the scars to go away. One key note to remember as far as the feeding goes. as long as hes eating he has a chance of survival. if he stops eating there isnt much you can do. there are a few suplaments out there that you can soak your food in that will add fatty acids and vitamens to the food. that is a good way to boost the healing process. Good luck and keep us posted
He is deff eating, now he finishes the seaweed i give him in less than a day. He seems to love the purple seaweed as well as the mysis shrimp, and when i get a chance i'm going to try NORI soaked in vitamins.