Blue Kiss Zoas Dying...

Most of the less common zoos and palys come from deep waters you should try to put them in a cave or under an overhang where they get less light also deeper water contains more bad stuff in the water, in the ocean algae filters the water and sunlight only penetrates so deep so the deeper waters have more ammonia nitrite nitrates and phosphates in it. so with all of us striving for perfect water and all most of these deep water zoos, can't handle perfect water like most other corals can't handle contaminated water. when you do buy these rare deep water zoos and palys you should make sure that they are aquacultured so they are used to being in clean and well lit tank, Hope this helps

Good observation.

I did a freshwater dip on my armor of god palys that have been melting away tonight. The good news is, there are 10 polyps on the rock, and there were only 3 when I bought them. The bad news is, they haven't opened up in several weeks. After I dipped them, I moved them down to the sandbed in a shaded area. I hope your suggestion works!
Good observation.

I did a freshwater dip on my armor of god palys that have been melting away tonight. The good news is, there are 10 polyps on the rock, and there were only 3 when I bought them. The bad news is, they haven't opened up in several weeks. After I dipped them, I moved them down to the sandbed in a shaded area. I hope your suggestion works!

So far, moving hasn't helped mine. The theory makes sense though. I think it might just be too late for mine. :( Maybe it'll help out your palys, though Biff.
Also, check for little white/yellow dots on the closed polyps. Here's an article: :: Articles :: ZoaPox (Zoa Pox); the search for the cause and cure

edit: and a thread about someone who has used this treatment effectively: Please help me beat this infection

Nope, no zoa pox as far as I could tell. However, it doesn't matter much anymore. I woke up this morning to find the Blue Kiss zoas totally gone - The last couple of polyps must of melted away overnight. :grumble: Thank you all for trying to help me out though! And good luck to everyone with their zoa/paly "melting" issues. :helm2:
thats to bad sorry to here it, hope you have better luck with any others you might try just be sure to do a little research on your zoo's most places wont advertise whether or not they are deep water or not.