Blue green chromises

Maybe my crabs grab them when they go into the rocks at night to sleep?
Perhaps. I have heard that crabs are PRETTY EVIL! Maybe the big ones just ate the little ones. That would explain the growth and the missing fish. Either way crabs are still evil. :D:helm2::D:bounce::D:mrgreen::D:whoopee!::D
:helm2::helm2::helm2::helm2: Well...I think I've just about heard it all now. I am going to have to report you to P.E.T.C. They'll handle your kind!:helm2::helm2::helm2::helm2:
Two crab societies, which one to join? :12: On one hand it almost certainly isn't the crabs in this case, but on the other hand, crabs are unquestionably evil...
Well,the crabs do have to eat,and chromis are perfect food for them.
Plus,you cant blame the crabs,they're just doing what comes natural:D
BTW: nobody in the CAES has been guilty of doing anything unethical involving crabs. In fact it seems that those of you in PETC are the ones doing the unethical. We are advocates for keeping them in the ocean where they can be evil without harming my corals. You hoard them and over-populate your tanks with them and that is UNETHICAL!
Ahhh... this would explain why two of my three chromis died right away.

Not entirely true Dennis. Chromis ship really poor and there are usually a good ammount that get sick and dont do well right off the bat because of this. they are also known to jump. so its possible one maybe jumped from you tank too. I have had it happen before.
I guess they use some pretty inhumane methods to catch chromis and it's not uncommon for them to come in pretty beat up and die rather quickly. I understand that your success with them is heavily determined by the manner in which they were caught.