Here is the update on my tank.
Current inhabitants:
- Francine the fire shrimp
- clam
- red zoas
- elegance coral
- purple mushroom rock
- green candy canes
- neon hammer
- duncans
- pocillopora
- 2 panda gobies (damn pandas)
- 3 astraea snails
- 2 hermit snails
- 2 nassarius snails
- rogue flesh-eating gorilla crab
I just did a 50% water change -- I have been doing 50% monthly. The pandas are in there, but they live underneath the big rock. I have lifted the rock out a couple times, and there they are... Losers. I have never, ever seen them in the tank. They don't even use their pocillopora coral. So I'm removing that and taking it home to put in my big tank today.
I am starting to get a lot of coralline along the back, and you can see a few spots on the front (look where the snail is in the FTS). The acrylic is crawling with pods, and I must have hundreds of hydroid jellies on the front of it.
Everyone else is fine -- Francine is a rock star. My duncans have sprouted at least 4 babies (pic attached). I want to add another fish, but I can't until I get the rogue flesh-eating gorilla crab out. I haven't seen him since that day a couple weeks ago, but I know he's in there, and I know he killed and ate Muriel the green clown goby. :(
I'm headed to the LFS today to see what they've got for corals. I have a few sitting on the sandbed of my tank at home that I still need to bring in. I just keep forgetting. So here are pics, Francine the Rock Star, some baby duncans, a FTS, the clam and the tank looking down.