Bermuda Skimmers?


Reef enthusiast
Does anyone here use or have secondhand knowledge of Bermuda Skimmers specifically the 8c model? I have all but comitted to purchasing one and have heard some great things about them but just checking with all of you like a good boy!
I don't know much about them but it better be great for $800.

It sounds like a true and tried design to me.A plain venturi skimmer with a self cleaning feature....kinda expensive don't you think?
Its similar in price to the Lifereef(I think) skimmer that you told me about correct? Its similar in price too if Im not mistaken or am I?
Not really the Lifereef is $400 with pump.The height and width on both skimmer is about the same but the bermuda uses a larger Mag 12/18,mine uses a mag 9.5.
What model Lifereef do you have exactly Reef? I want to overskim a little due to the fact of plans for sps and largeish bioload. Thinking that the 350 model or 400 would be what Im looking at. Which are 529 and 539 respectively
Okay,I had to go back to Lifereef's website again.I have the SVS2-24(24'' tall with a footprint of 10''x8''.It was $400 with pump a year ago....higher now($480).The VS2-24 and 30 comes in sump or inline to the sump.The 30 using the mag12 and being 30'' tall which wouldn't fit in my stand.All the 36'' and bigger skimmers has to be ran in-line.Height and space was an issue so I went with an in sump skimmer.My sump and refugium is 64'' long.
Well I want LARGE ANGELS and they do best with SPS I will have some LPS but I want angels most. Look at the bkv1997s pic in POTM and tell me thats boring!?!

PS I bought it 650 shipped with a Mag 18 900 worth of stuff so it works for me, just dawned on me that I paid more for my skimmer than my tank stand canopy and reflectors! CRAZY!

PS I got a 55 gallon tank for a sump for 30 bucks this week too, slow and steady wins the race!
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