Stories like that upset me. You remember a few weeks back when we had the "Pet vs. Hobby" thread? I said more of a hobby, since I don't get super attached to my fish like I do my cats and dogs. Although, all of my fish still have names. But still, they are living creatures that deserve a chance at the best life possible, which is no different than what a cat or a dog deserves.
Too many people look at fish as throwaways. A lot of saltwater fish are expensive, and the $500 angel is probably not being purchased by someone who has put four spoonfuls of Morton's into their tank, but if clownfish were a bit more expensive, say $50 apiece instead of $15 apiece, do you think this would change things?
I know there's always some idiot with more money than he needs that will have no problem spending it on whatever, but do you think the fish being higher priced would cut back on a lot of the bozos that buy, say, 10 clownfish to give away as favors at their kid's birthday party?
Just asking, I know it's a double edged sword, as there would be A LOT of responsible hobbyists that would not be able to afford fish (like I would have paid $50 a fish for a clownfish! Yeah right!).
I just wish there was a good solution to this ignorance, but there really isn't. Having people that know what they're talking about ask questions and try to teach (like Nathan did with that woman) is the best we can do, and unfortunately, 99% of people like that woman probably don't have a Nathan standing around giving them advice.