Before I open the bag and let these beasts into my tank...

You know what I really DON'T miss?
Waking up to 1-3 feet of snow having no idea it was coming.
BAM!!!! You are now instantly an hour late for work cause you gotta go shovel out your car and then sit in traffic if the roads are open. :frustrat:
Oh yeah and then coming out of work at night and having to de-ice your car just so you can get in the darn thing. Then hoping it starts. Then freezing your tuckus off until it warms up. :cold:
I don't miss it I live it.
Balmy 28 here.Perfect for yote hunting,which is what I'll be doing after the sun comes up.

Have a safe hunt. Don't do like some hunter did here. They were shooting at a deer and one of the bullets hit a daycare center. No one got hurt. Before you ask Yes they got the deer.
Have a safe hunt. Don't do like some hunter did here. They were shooting at a deer and one of the bullets hit a daycare center. No one got hurt. Before you ask Yes they got the deer.

There was one of those incidents on the news last week.Said the hunter shot at a deer and the bullet went through a house that a mile and half away.

Biff,There are rules about that.But what happens a lot of times,is the so called hunter gets careless and dont pay attention to whats behind the intended target.
IMO,those few that are that careless,should be bitch slapped on the town square.Theres no excuse for it.And no room for it in todays world.
Its common sense.You never shoot unless you have something behind the target to STOP the bullet.Never shoot up hill.Never shoot at water.Always know where the shot is going and where its going to stop.
I think some people really get caught in the excitment of the moment and sometimes common sense goes out the window. I think bow-hunters are a different breed than gun-hunters. Those woods behind my house open up to hunters for a week each year to help control the deer population. The hunters I have run into are respectful, nature-loving people that seem to have a solid head on their sholders. When we lived in the south it was a bit different. Does anyone remember what this thread was about in the first place???
I could literally throw rocks at deer at my parents house and there are dead deer on every road from getting hit by cars. However, I know the hunt of the chase is the ones with the big antlers and I'd probably have to go farther into the woods to get them.
I think some people really get caught in the excitment of the moment and sometimes common sense goes out the window. I think bow-hunters are a different breed than gun-hunters. Those woods behind my house open up to hunters for a week each year to help control the deer population. The hunters I have run into are respectful, nature-loving people that seem to have a solid head on their sholders. When we lived in the south it was a bit different. Does anyone remember what this thread was about in the first place???

Pepperment shrimp:D