Before I open the bag and let these beasts into my tank...

Those are great names, Picasso. May the the many vengeful arms of Ganesh bring death to your aiptasias!
I personally had no luck with the peps eating them, but my copperband butterfly ate them all in a week. I DO NOT reccomend this fish however, they're tough to keep alive for very long.
So have Shiva and Ganesh made a meal out of any yet? I heard you should have better luck getting rid of the smaller ones than the big ones with peps.
They did eat one of them a small one near the bottom. The others are kind of stuck inside my Zoo colony and haven't dissapeared yet. I'm getting a syringe tomorrow. The shrimp are not a lot of fun to have in the tank. They hide all day and when you can find one they are hanging upside down somewhere swaying back and forth kind of creepy like. Thanks for asking about them. Unfortunately, my commanding names for the peps didn't reek havok on my aiptasias. I was going out today but we're snowed in!

The logo is just a sketch at this point and LFS kept it. I get it back tomorrow and I'll post it. So I'm looking in my tank which I didn't do much of yesterday and I notice that my sea cucumber, Loofah is now in two places. Loofah had babies? Can they do that without a mommy and a daddy? Also, much to my dismay, there is another aptasia polyp on one of MY rocks, not the rock that came with the zoos on it. I'm afraid I'm going to have a problem on my hands. The shrimps are hanging upside down and swaying back and forth like they're at a rock concert. Hope that means they're happy. Ugly creatures. We're naming them Shiva (the destroyer) and Ganesh (the remover of all obsticles) I'll shoot them later when the sun is down.


Where's the logo :12:
I didn't get to pick it back up because we've been snowed in! I have to go tomorrow though so we're digging out the jeep.


Snow? Man, it was like 60 degrees and sunny today. Not a cloud in the sky. I think it's gonna be in the 70's tomorrow. :mrgreen:
Snow? Man, it was like 60 degrees and sunny today. Not a cloud in the sky. I think it's gonna be in the 70's tomorrow. :mrgreen:

I lived in Florida for over 30 years. Today, our high was 0 degrees. I LOVE the snow and cold weather. Wouldn't go back if you paid me! I miss the ocean though.

See, people that have lived up here for a long time don't like the snow. We LOVE the snow because it is still such a novelty. Leaves changing, feeling the world go to sleep in winter, the first signs of spring... Those things are so beautiful to me. In Florida, the only way we knew the holidays were coming was the calendar. Oh, and the odd, surrealistic presence of snow-based decorations like snow men and Santa wearing too much clothing- he would totally overheat if he wore that in Florida! He must keep a change of clothes with him in his sleigh. Anyway, you can feel time passing up here in a way you just don't get in the south. I hope I never loose that.

See, people that have lived up here for a long time don't like the snow. We LOVE the snow because it is still such a novelty. Leaves changing, feeling the world go to sleep in winter, the first signs of spring... Those things are so beautiful to me. In Florida, the only way we knew the holidays were coming was the calendar. Oh, and the odd, surrealistic presence of snow-based decorations like snow men and Santa wearing too much clothing- he would totally overheat if he wore that in Florida! He must keep a change of clothes with him in his sleigh. Anyway, you can feel time passing up here in a way you just don't get in the south. I hope I never loose that.


I'm originally from Pleasantville, NY about 30 miles north of NYC.
I could deal with the snow there. We had nicely proportioned seasons there.
Then i went to school up in Rochester NY. Wow what a difference. 7 months of freakin winter. When it wasn't snowing it was sleeting. When it wasn't sleeting it was raining. When it wasnt raining it was overcast. Talk about depressing. But the summers were GORGEOUS! I was there for about 6-7 years before we had enough of the weather and moved to texas. Here it's 7 months of summer but I can deal with heat a lot better than cold. I sure do miss the prettiness of the changing seasons though.
Wouldnt hurt my feeling none if we'd get 10" of snow.
If I ever get a chance,I'm moving to Yellow Knife,or maybe even farther north.
You know what I really DON'T miss?
Waking up to 1-3 feet of snow having no idea it was coming.
BAM!!!! You are now instantly an hour late for work cause you gotta go shovel out your car and then sit in traffic if the roads are open. :frustrat:
Oh yeah and then coming out of work at night and having to de-ice your car just so you can get in the darn thing. Then hoping it starts. Then freezing your tuckus off until it warms up. :cold: