Back after deciding against trying a nano

Just an update.
There was miscommunication between my friend and I, she was selling me the tank, not just giving it like i had originally thought. she's offering the tank and stand for 100.

I went by the really big saltwater dealer in town who is really knowledgeable and has high end stuff for saltwater. He said he would do the sump drilling and fitting everything for $85. So I'll probably have an overflow and sump/refugium on the tank.

However because of the extra amount of tech I'm putting on the tank, it'll probably be a few months before I even think about stocking the tank as I am moving in the spring hopefully into my own apartment and don't feel like breaking everything down and rebuilding at the new place. I talked to the guy and he said the Orange Line Chromis get a big aggressive with age like most damsels, so I'm going to cut them from my stock list. As it stands I'll just have an angel, 2 clowns, and eventually a dragonet. I might opt for a different chromis later, but for now they're out.

Also a bit of bad news, while watching my flame angel i noticed a tiny white spot or two on his tail so I think he might be coming down with ich. He also still hasn't eaten anything and it's been a few days not. Not sure if he's going to make it.
Also a bit of bad news, while watching my flame angel i noticed a tiny white spot or two on his tail so I think he might be coming down with ich. He also still hasn't eaten anything and it's been a few days not. Not sure if he's going to make it.

If he's still in quarantine, try hyposalinity for a while. This seems to work fairly well, especially with angels that can't tolerate the copper in most ich treatments.