

Reef enthusiast
I'd like to start a thread about automation. Specifically, I want to talk about automating a large frag tank.

Some of you may have read my recent thread in the Reef Discussion forum about purchasing a LFS. While that deal fell through, I have decided to move forward with a 90g frag system. However, the tank will not be at my home. I live in a rather small apartment and simply do not have the space for this tank. The tank will be set up at my friend Pete's place of business. Pete owns a security business and he has offered to let me use part of his retail space to run my farming operation. The system will NOT be in plain view of the public. It will be in a heated warehouse where access is strictly limited to immediate members of his family and one or two trusted employees.

Obviously, a farming operation in a 90g tank will require a lot of work on my part. I have no illusions that this will be easy, trust me. But I'd really like to work on automating the system to some extent. I don't want to go so far as to automate the water changes. I can do that weekly or twice a month.

My goals:
1 - Monitor the system from my home PC. This will require a PC at the retail space where the tank is to be located. No big deal. I have enough spare parts lying around to build a pretty decent PC and there is internet service in the retail space.

2 - Standard system monitors such as pH, temp, alk, calcium.

3 - Automated dosing/system stability. Automated dosing is important. Ability to perform manual adjustments from home is not so important. I live about 3 miles from the space where the tank is to be located and can usually drive there in about 10 minutes. If something were to go drastically wrong with the tank, I know my personality well enough to know I wouldn't be able to sit at my PC and "watch it" I'd have to drive down there and get wet. Where do you get the chemicals to dose the tank? How are the chemicals pumped into the tank when the system monitor determines that levels need adjusting?

4 - Automatic top off. This system must be VERY reliable. I have read hundreds of horror stories involving stuck floats, crashed tanks and massive floods. I'm not sure how to do this. I have done a lot of reading on this and my gut tells me to have a large vat/tank to store RO/DI water and use a pump to top-off my sump on the tank. There is a floor drain close to where I will set the tank, so a massive flood isn't a huge concern. But running hundreds of gallons of RO water down a drain isn't something I want to do.

Any help and discussion is very much appreciated.
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Have you looked at the Reef Keeper controllers and monitors?I know with the RK3's and the Elite will send a read out display to your computer with the USB cable.But I dont know how you could set it to look check from your home PC.
They can also be set up to test a lot of different parameters,but I have no idea how accurate that would be.PH and temp I know would good.
As far as dosing goes.The same controller would take care of a calcium reactor.Which would regulate the PH,calcium,and alkalinity.Plus control the heaters/chiller.
For an ATO.I personally run a Tsunami AT-1.Its got a little sensor thats in the sump with a length of air line tubing runs to a control box.The water levels regulated by the air pressure in the sensor.The water gets to certian level,the pump kicks on.Its worked perfectly for over a year now.And the beauty of it,is the reserve tank can be in a totally different room if thats where you want it.
I have look at a few of the controllers, but I don't really understand them. I'm completely ignorant of these things and I don't understand what they do and how they do it. I've read the product literature on the controllers and I'm more confused than ever.

Does every controller come with the dosing pumps? How do you know what dosing pump to purchase? Where do you get the chemicals?

You're saying a calcium reactor will control my pH, Alk and calcium? Those are my 3 main concerns. The trace elements will be taken care of with my regular water changes. Which one works good for a 90-120g tank?

How can I monitor magnesium? Is there a way to dose it with one of these controllers?

I'm going to start putting links in this thread as a reference for myself and others who may view it in the future.
Here is the auto-top off unit Yote is using:
This is the reactor I have now.
I've not set it up yet,Cant decide if its actually the one I want.

As for magnesium,I dont know of any thing to monitor it.Aside from the regular test kits.But magneiums not one of those elements that the bottom is going to fall out of either.You know you'll be doing a personal check of the tank at least once a week or every other week.So that would be fine.
And you dont need a dosing pump,IMO.The controller for the calcium reactor will control your heater/chiller,so thats covered.Then the drip from the reactor will take care of PH,alkalinity,and calcium,along with perciptating phosphates.