you can control the spread of it with a nicely placed shot of Joes Juice. In the past, I have picked a "line of demarkation", where I do not want the GSP to spread past and every three weeks or so, I would nuke the line with Joe's juice and it keeps the growth back while not harming the main colony
you can control the spread of it with a nicely placed shot of Joes Juice. In the past, I have picked a "line of demarkation", where I do not want the GSP to spread past and every three weeks or so, I would nuke the line with Joe's juice and it keeps the growth back while not harming the main colony
I shut off return pumps and powerheads so there is no current to accidentially carry "The Juice" onto desirable corals and suck up a bit into the syringe that comes in the box. I put it along the base of the coral where it is spreading and it withers about 2cm worth of GSP, which is about a full width of the coral. It takes a few weeks to grow back. I like to do it when there is about 2 inches left of rock before it gets to the desired coral. That way, it can be kept and controlled.
Add it slowly, as it tends to come out fast and smear all over the place