Another Cycling Question


Broke Reefer!
I finally filled my tank over the weekend (yay!!) and moved a few large pieces of live rock into the tank this morning, along with all of the dry rock that was already in the tank. I had planned on grabbing a piece of uncooked shrimp at the store over lunch to throw in the tank to start the cycle but wanted to check my parameters beforehand to know where I'm starting. Well, I just checked my ammonia level and came up with around 0.15 free ammonia and 0.2-0.5 total ammonia. I compared it to the reference sample that came with the kit, which was spot on. There was quite a bit of dead stuff attached to the dry fiji rock that I got, which is what I presume is leading to the ammonia. Should I still add the shrimp, or does my ammonia test result suggest there is enough other dead stuff from the dry rock already in the tank? Thanks!!

(and I'll post updated build pictures in the next few days once the water clears!)
I did my cycle with my live rock as well, no shrimp, sounds like you are off and running!

Well, the live rock has been curing in a bucket at home for almost a month now, and I know I had a big cycle with it when I first got it (via the good old fashioned sniff test - my roommate and I avoided the back hall for a good week LOL). But I'm thinking the dry rock (opposed to the already cured live rock) could be starting this cycle with the dried stuff on it. I got the fiji dry from BRS and their website does mention that there could be dead material that is dried on the rock. I did move the live rock out of water to my office this morning, but it was only out of water for about 20-30 min, so I don't think I'd have much die off during transport...

I too am thinking I'm probably off and running.... but if I only have a small cycle, will enough bacteria grow to support my first fish? I'm planning to start with 3 chromis so really want to make sure it is good to go!
Although, on second thought, maybe a small cycle wouldn't be so bad. Then I could add a few snails sooner to combat diatoms that are already on the live rock (the bucket had a 700gph powerhead and was kept mostly in the dark (I had it covered about 3/4 of the way with the lid to keep light out but still let oxygen in), rather than having to wait a month or longer with a big cycle!
I believe my dry rock from BRS is what did it for me to, I just call it all live rock. I did feel like I had a small cycle. When in doubt, drop a smelly shrimp in there, better safe than sorry and there is no rush!
Thanks Sarah & Sen!

I think I'll hold off on adding the shrimp for right now and watch my ammonia levels over the next few days. If they go up, I'm consider myself good to go. If they hold steady or go down (without a good nitrite spike), then I'll add a small piece of shrimp. At this point, waiting a few more days isn't a big deal and I'd rather avoid that smelly shrimp if I can! :Cheers:
What, you don't want your house to stink? Geez, hoity toity.
Sounds like a plan, keep us posted.

Hahaha! I wouldn't mind it so much (and the cats would love it), but alas, the tank is in my teeny tiny office in the basement at work. Somehow being closed up in my office with a window that doesn't open and a door that has to be kept closed when I'm not there doesn't sound all that fun ;) That said, my office friends are going to be disappointed, they've been hearing me talk about the shrimp for at least a few weeks now!
Okay, I think I'm definitely off and running - just checked my other parameters and nitrites are around 10, nitrates are 5-10, and total ammonia has come down a bit to 0.15-0.3. What do you think? Should I still forego the shrimp?
Well, if this is my cycle it seems to be moving quickly. Today Nitrites are now 2.5 and Nitrates are around 10. I expected Nitrites to go up higher rather than fall already. Also, my PH is only around 8.0-8.05 which I think is on the low end. Any ideas why my PH would be low?
Sounds like you are having a quick cycle. I don't think you need to add that shrimp after all! Just wait till ammonia and nitrites are at zero and nitrates will prlly be between 10-20. Then do a partial water change and add your fish fishie!
Thanks Brittany! Yeah, I think its going to be a quick one too, which I guess shouldn't be all that surprising since the live rock was basically curing in a separate bucket for several weeks already! Bring on the fish :D