Another acclimation question


Reefing newb
So I was at the LFS today. I picked up some pods as well as some new Zoas and a Mushroom covered rock. While there a few guys, including a few of the store employees were sitting around the "bar" and talking while they bagged up my Zoas. They started talking about acclimating corals.

Three of the guys commented on how the never water acclimate soft corals. They say they float the bag to equalize temp then pull them out of the bag and dip them and then place them in the tank. They all said they use the fish store water to dip them in.

Now I take what I hear as a pessimist. But this sure could save a lot of time! I have been carefully acclimating everything that has gone into my tank. Fish, CUC and corals. I will admit that I only recently started dipping new corals and that I once, accidentally, dumped a bag of snails in without proper acclimation.

What every one's take on this?
I dont usually acclimate my corals, unless they are looking a little worse for the wear. But i always! dip my corals. Practice safe reefing like you practice safe sex!

I do drip acclimate all other creatures though.
Ive never acclimated corals, and they were always fine. Inverts I only acclimated if I didn't get them from reef cleaners.
I always spent more time acclimating corals then fish lol. But to be fair i never lost a coral, i have however lost fish lol. Maybe my priorities were off.