
Ummm you can't "plan" on keeping an anemone anywhere. They will move around to wherever they want to move. Which is usually straight into a powerhead to be chopped right up and spewed all over the rest of your tank.

Anemones are not good choices for new tanks. They require very high lighting (much more than you have), and very stable water parameters. Stability that usually takes close to a year to achieve. When they die in your tank, they have to potential to wipe out every other animal in it with them.

Clowns will be perfectly healthy without an anemone. I don't recommend anemones for beginning tanks or aquarists.

Keep in mind, the fish store guy is trying to run a business and make money. If he sells you an anemone and it dies, you will likely go back and buy another one. KACHING! If he sells you one and it dies and it kills everything else in your tank, you will likely spend a whole lot more money in his store restocking your tank. KACHING! KACHING!

Not to sound negative, but a responsible fish store owner would not sell an anemone to a newbie. Period.
they can be quite territorial so make sure they fit into the overall plan for your tank. It is hard to mix more than one specie of clown tho. they will fight to the death. find one you like. Ocellaris and Percula clowns are really common and hardy. Maroons and Tomato clowns are more aggressive than others and Pink Skunks are just cool and I really like them, check 'em out

I have a Symbiotic Map of Clowns & Anemones. What type of clownfish do you have? You said, "common". Do you mean "False" (Amphiprion Ocellaris) or do you mean "True" Amphiprion percula?

My chart says that a False clown will only host the following anemones:
Ritteri Anemone (Heteractis magnifica)
Carpet Anemone (Stichodactyla gigantea)
Stichodactyla mertensii

A true percula will host:
Sebae Anemone (Heteractis crispa)
Ritteri Anemone (Heteractis magnifica)
Carpet Anemone (Stichodactyla gigantea)

You should Google other Symbiotic Maps of Clowns & Anemone's and NEVER believe what your fish store guy tells you. If you have a true or a false you should not buy a bubble tip. I have two maroon and golds and they work with a bubble tip.

I have had my anemone since the day I got my two clowns and all are alive and well, but I had previously had two tiny false clowns die of disease (no anemone at all, however). I hope your clowns are fairly large in size. To me, it is too hard to get a teeny baby fish as a beginner.

I will post pictures later. Must run for now. Hope that helps.

We are here to help, and happy to do so.

I have to disagree with the mapping a bit. I agree that many clowns are selective but to indicate that Ocellaris clowns will not host a BTA is wrong. I have had two different sets of false percs and one set of true percs who have all hosted in my BTA. I currently have two that are hosting the same BTA for three years. I also have had a single false perc host a long-tentacle nem. It is hit and miss with clowns and whether they will host. There are a few tricks, but it is really up to the individual fish.

I have 2 Ocellaris Clowns and a RTBA, they seem interested and attempt to play in it, but are still unsure as they were tank raised. Like previously mentioned ... it is hit or miss.
I agree with Doc and Goose. I believe what Matti referenced are which anemones are natural matches for which clown. That doesn't mean a clown will never host in anything else. Because clowns will host anything. Powerheads, heaters, frogspawns, mushrooms, and seaweed clips. There's no guarantee that a matching clown and anemone will host, and it doesn't mean a clown won't host an anemone that's not on its matching list.
Thanks so much for that clairification!! That was just me, a beginner, trying to share "bookish" information with another newbie. I really appreciate the help!!
two different varieties. The Ocellaris clown is the "finding nemo" clown. Percula clowns have a lot of black in them and are similar in shape and coloration as Ocellaris clowns. If you are lucky, you can find a pair of percs that are all black and white

they are worth getting. the black ones run $50 a piece here. If your tank is ready, they are worth getting
