anemone with clownfish


Reefing newb
I have a tomato clown with it's green tip anemone companion. Anyways I'm not sure if the anemone is getting proper feeding from it's clown fish. I've read if you have a clown it's not necessary to feed your anemone and a moving anemone is a stressed anemone. I've had my anemone and clown for about 3 months now( bought them together), it didn't have a problem before because it stayed in one placed for about a month, but now it's been moving and looking for a new spot. i've tried feeding myanemone some frozen silverside and shrimp. The minute i place food on it's tentacles the clown fish rushes and grabs it from the anemone. My water is good- lighting is good cause my corals are great, so what's the deal? Am I not feeding my clown enough - I feed that biacth everyday sometimes twice a day ( live plakton-pellets-and dry foods). I don't want my anemone to die.

If the anemone is on the move I would check you water movement and lighting. it will eventually settle hopefully. now on the clown and feeding, if the clown eats on top of the anemone the anemone will get some of the droppings. try some small chuncks of marine shrimp preferably fresh if you can. you will have to play with it a bit but the clown should not let the anemone starve if the clown is getting enough. the clown will also appreciate live and varied diet so rotate your food offerings. good luck. Ill post an article on feeding clowns and anemonies soon. watch the helpful articles.
Great thanks- Well hopefully everything works out- The article you mention would be very helpful.

Thanks again

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