Anemone I.D.


Reefing newb
Hi to everyone,
Brand new to the site. Can anyone tell me for sure if this is a Calliactus Tricolor?
I found him on the beach, and luckily I live and work at Whitney labrotory for marine bioscience here in Marineland Fl. So I have easy axcess to all the fresh sea water I need. Don't even have to go to the beach it's pumped in.
I have never checked temp, ph, nothing. He is fine and has been for a month now. Would like to know for sure to check his lighting needs and I think I am ok with feeding "cause he eats anything I offer. very greedily I might add.
He is in a 6 gal tank. sand bottom, and all alone. Except maybe the stray mysid shrimp that has avoided him and the filter. IMG276.jpg



thanx for any help. Scott.
Could it be some type of aptaisa? I have included pics of another rescue anemone in the process of recovery that I know is a tricolor. Could these be the same species? IMG402.jpg


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Never seen one before. But in Googling I saw that a distinguishing characteristic is a red or pink spotted body. Florida has some picky rules on harvesting corals. Hopefully you're OK.
It looks bleached out to me, so hard to know if the spotted aspect is its true color or not. What kind of lights do you have him under now? Do you have anyone at the place you work that specializes in anemones?
It is about 35-45 mm tall, including tentacles. The pedal disc is about 25mm. I guess the photos make him looked a little bleached but he is not. the tentacles are clear with three purple bands towards the base. Dr Moroz, at the lab is the inverts guy. He looked at the photo and sayed Aptasia, but another biologist says, tri color. I looked more last night and it looks kinda like calliactus polypus to me.
It is in a 6 gal fluval edge tank. Just 7600k led lights. He seems to like the deep blue lights better than the white.

