Anemone help

Thanks, I love mine. It is a beautiful fish. I do not like where he has attache himself, he has attached himself to the back of the live rock at the back of the tank. I would like to know how much he should eat. I have a childrens med. dropper (new) that i use, it seems to work well for feeding him. I slowly squirt the food over him and I watched him as he ate some and some he let get by. Do you think he will ever move from this spot and how can i tell if he is no getting enought light? What will happen when the anem splits, and can I move the rock he is attached to? I want to add some more base rock to the aquarium.
anemones are Cnidarians, which are invertebrates not fish, just a FYI, but as far as light, he'll move around untill he finds a stop he likes. If he isnt getting enough light/flow he will move to a different spot where he gets better light. You CAN move the rock he is on, but if he doesnt like the new spot you put the rock, he will move back to where he was, if thats a spot he likes.
Thanks for the information. Im not sure why I called it a fih to start with, I know it is not a fish, I guess I had fish on my mind. I did not want to do something wrong. Some people say not to put one into the aquarium until it is 10 or 12 months old, my friend she has two, now and both are doing fine. Her tank is now like 3months old. She uses the same light as I do ocean deep 10k. I want to go with a better light than what I have now. I do not think I will do reef for a long time. Im still trying to learn everything there is to know about the different kinds of fish. Do you think a yellow tang and a blue tang will do ok in a 75 gal tank? I read that you cannot put two tangs together but then I have seen video of aquarium of 75gal and up with the two of them or more together. I love both the fish but I do not want cause any problems.
i think you could have both in there if they are relatively small and introduced at the same time. 2 fully grown tangs will be a little too much for a tank that size but if you plan on upgrading to a larger tank or if you can find a place to donate/sell them when they get big i think you could do it.

anemones are among the most light demanding things you can keep in a tank, what kind of lights do you have?
All I have for now is my 10k ocean deep one strip, Im going next week to get a Nova ext Pro T5HO 10K by next Wed hopefully. I hope this will be enough, if not then I will just take my anem. to the lfs for some credit on something that I may need in my tank. I think I will add just one tang then. Thanks again
hopefully i get an answer by tomorrow on this, my LFS has a green BTA in, they had it in a lower light tank for a while (went throught the overflow box to the tank they keep the LR in) but i had them move it friday morning back to the right tank. I was gonna wait and see how it looks by sunday to decide if i wanna buy it, and i looked at it today and it was open and the tips were "bubbled" is this a good sign? Does this mean its in good shape/happy? Should i get it?
Hi, well if you are asking me, then you are asking the wrong person about BTA`S I have one in my tank with only a 10k ocean deep light. Come Wed I was going to a nova ext. pro 6x54w t5ho 48". Im going to get a better deal on a aqualight pro retrofit kt hqi, the aqualight will put out more watts than the nova so what do you think i should get?
Im learning lots about my BTA and everything else I want to put into my tank. Im sorry I did not have the answer for you, if you were asking me. I have had my tank now for like 6weeks now and everything is doing well. Im building some beautiful rockscape`s soon I can post some photos. I want to know if it is ok to clean the sand bed at this time, it is only 6 weeks old has some brown junk on the botom and is it ok to keep cleaning off all the algae on my tank walls....I do leave some, I know this is good for my fish. Hope you can answer my questions.:D Love all my aquariums.
Oh by the way, I shined a light on my yellow tail damsels last night and I could see they they were not blue but a blue/green color VERY PRETTY will the aqualight give me this kind of results?
Thanks for all the help you all have given me and thanks for all the :blueflowehello`s. I konw some of my questions may sound silly but then Im a newbie. :D
My BTA he is attached well to the rock i think he is going to stay on, he eats really good I give him frozen brime shrimp is there something else I should add to food, does he need supplements of anykind, what elese will he eat?
im asking anyone that can help i guess... any other tips on what i should look for in an anemone to check for if its healthy?

that brown stuff is diatoms which is perfectly normal and will go away on its own in time, i wouldnt try to manually clean the sand bed because you'll stir it up and make all the crap in it come up and it may cause a slight cycle. I would buy some nassarius snails or a goby of some kind that can safely clean the sand for you.
Lisa,Go with the Nova pros over your tank.You'll get the same amount of light and a lot less heat.
And damsels will change color at night.It helps them blend in with the dark places in the rock and hide from predators.
well i got the nem, and the guy kinda left me hanging for about 25 minutes while he had to take a phone call so he gave me some frags for free... i got 2 frags of polyps, and 1 mushroom.

As far as the nem goes, i acclimated it for a little over an hour and put him in there. He looks good, mouth isnt open, tips are bubbled. My clowns have passed by it a few times but havent even touched it so far... will they eventually host it? or can they not host it at all?