Almost ready to jump in

Its your tank and you can do what you like with it. The lighter it is stocked the more sensitive(SPS mostly) corals you can keep. You can stock heavy on both as long as you keep an eye one the parameters. The more fish you have the more important a QUALITY skimmer is necessary to keep the water quality at optimum conditions for keeping corals.
I would advise against getting an anemone. A clown will be perfectly healthy and happy without one. If you are interested in seeing the hosting relationship between the anemone and coral, there are much easier corals you can use instead. I'd recommend hairy mushrooms. Anemones are extremely difficult to keep alive, need very intense lighting, and established tanks at least a year old with perfect water parameters. And they are not always safe in reef tanks.
Maybe you can provide a link to the Coralife T5-HO fixture.

Here are some links....

This sump/fuge is basically the same as people build.Nice thing is it comes with the equipment.

Octopus skimmers(I seen these on other sites for $50-75 less,except I never use those websites)

T5-HO fixtures w/ individual reflectors
Nova Pro

I didn't include the Tek and ATI fixtures.Both don't come in 72'' fixtures.You would have to buy two 36'' and hang them.