Algae and anenome


Reefing newb
Hi All,

Ok how long should my light be on each day- i am getting some serious algae- Plud on the BIOCUBE there are three different settings which should I be using.

Ok I test my water and everything was fine- I add three small damsels everything was cool.Waited five days i added two regular? anemone and one bubble anemone- first night cool second morning wake oup it appears they moved all over- one looks dead partially stuck to heater- The larger one in the morning if fine now tonight come home its about 1/4 of the sixe laying in the middle of the a=tank not sure if it's alive bubble appears alive and twice the size along bottom of tank

What do I do?

How long has your tank been running?
If I'm not mistaken,just a week or 2 right?
If thats the case,that tanks no where near ready for an anemone.
#1 The lights on the bio-cubes wont support an anemone long term.
#2 Anemones require a mature,stable system.
The easy way to tell if the anemone is dieing or dead,it to take it out and smell it.If it chokes you and causes the neighbors to run for cover,then yeah its gone.
My advice,is take the anemones (if their still alive) back to the LFS.Even if they dont give any credit or trade for em.Because if they die in your tank,it can kill everything else in your tank.
No the tanks be going on four weeks as of thursday I think- the bubble seems to be ok- did the guy at the fish store screw me? He told me everything was fine was e just trying to make a sale- i can always send in the wife she'll kick his ass for me- I will take out the two that are appear to be dead and hold on to the one that seems to be doig well. I had two different stores tell me the water was ready how the hell do i trust them. I would rather wait an do this right then screw it up I guess I jst wanted to get something in there. Someone gave nea bout a two inch pcs of red and white sponge that seems fine maybe i'll just stick to that. Are there any good books to read?

No the tanks be going on four weeks as of thursday I think- the bubble seems to be ok- did the guy at the fish store screw me? He told me everything was fine was e just trying to make a sale- i can always send in the wife she'll kick his ass for me- I will take out the two that are appear to be dead and hold on to the one that seems to be doig well. I had two different stores tell me the water was ready how the hell do i trust them. I would rather wait an do this right then screw it up I guess I jst wanted to get something in there. Someone gave nea bout a two inch pcs of red and white sponge that seems fine maybe i'll just stick to that. Are there any good books to read?


4 weeks is not a mature tank. Anemones require mature tanks which is usually around 1 year. Id give the anemone back as yote has suggested.

Agree with everyone above.
Your tank needs to be at least 1 year old before even thinking about anemones.
Even then, anemones are VERY difficult in a tank your size.
You will need to upgrade the biocube lighting to support anemones too.

As far as how long per day you should keep them on....
You didn't mention what you have in your tank. Most coral (that use light) will require 6-8 hours MAX. Your fish can actually use much less. The lighting is more or less for your pleasure, not the fishes.

Typically, a 6-8 hour timer on the lights is sufficient.

Check out for some nice upgrades to your tank.
Thanks- I don't know what type of lights I have one looks Like day light then dusk the other looks like night time. I need a timer I've been running the light 12 hours a day. I only have a sponge in the tank plus the anenomes - i will try and get rid of them tomorrow. Never going back to that store
Anemones are harder to keep and require stronger lighting than most corals. The lights in your BioCube are definitely not strong enough to keep an anemone alive. And anemones usually die pretty quickly in tanks that are less than a year old. You got some really bad advice. Like others have said, anemones commonly will kill everything else in the tank when they get sick or die. I'd remove every last bit of anemone that you can find and take them back to the store. And I wouldn't even try an anemone for at least another 12 months or so. They definitely are not an easy animal to try to keep. Tell your wife to get ready to rumble!! ;)
yea i'd say don't go back to that store, try to find another one in your area... I have the problem where i live that the few LFS stores are just after a quick buck. we only have petco and one other reef store and their service and info SUCK! i drive an hour or so away once a week or so to check out some good ones, they usually tell me if a fish i want is eating-one guy Joey will order me a fish and not let me buy it until its eating, if he thinks something is wrong with it he will call me up and tell me... hes very helpful and is always giving me good deals on my fish :)

and we have another one in the same city and Debbie there is really helpful too. they both have always given me great advice and only sold me things they think are going to benefit me... they advised me to just medicate for some bad nems i had instead of buying tons of pep shirmps like our petco here wanted to do... research your LFS before going to em :) online reviews are pretty helpful as well as finding people around your area who know... try a local colleges biology teacher ;D they are pretty smart about where to go
I agree with these guys. Some, if not all, of the best information and advice comes from these guys. I have found that LFS sometimes give you limited information or even encourage you to go ahead with something even when your not ready. When I first started I had a LFS sell me a cucumber (a very large, pretty one), several fish and seahorses! No kidding. My tank was 2 1/2 weeks into cycling. I was told "no problem." Cucumber released a lot of poison and killed everything, which was doomed anyways.

I'm sure there a lot of good LFS, too. I think if you arm yourself with some info from here before you go in, they'll know that your more serious about the hobby and more concerned about keeping your business.

Good luck!
also, i went out and got myself some little reference books to take with me when i go to the LFS just so if i see something I like, i can look it up and see what the book says about it... the "What Fish" and "What invertabret" are good starter ones :) it tells you how old your tank needs to be before even considering and how big a tank/tank mates, that sorta thing :) that way the LFS sees that you are smarter than the average joe (like my dad who sadly just buys because he wants to help my tank lol)