Air stone Yes or No?

Thanks guys.. yea what ill need to do is find the DIY self and got to see how small i can make it so it can fit under my tank in the stand.. ill have to measure see how big it can be
Yea bro send me the how to..any info be greattttt..also seem i got the 10 gallon do u get the glass in there with that black part at the top doesnt that stop the glass to go in?
no not really. all you do is angle it going in and make it strait when you put it in.
o here is a tip use CD cases for the gapes.
ya i will need to find them and io will send it out to you.
Prob be good idea isnt it?... question on this sump..does this help with less water changes? Because im leaving for 7 weeks for my new job have to go to Mass for gf is going to be home and shes all upset on cleaning the tank and she doesnt want to do im kinda worried my fish be fricken dead when i come home which i hope there not..but if this will help with less water changes at least for her that great. Because for my i change the water once a week.
no, you will still need to do regular waterchange. However, you could go that long without doing a water change if just have fish and really tolerant soft corals. But its not something i would recommend on a new tank. You will probably have one hell of an algae problem when you return. but that is fixable, just will take some time.
Yep, that's the point of it to take all the equipment out of your tank. If so you'll need a slightly different setup. The skimmer and heaters should go into the section that the tank is draining into. The second section can be filled with your live rock and the final section would be where your return pump and could also have your heater if you wanted to put it there. You'll want the bullbe trap in there to stop any microbubbles that the skimmer may create.

I've attached a pic of my old sump, disregard the egg crate in there, it should be a glass wall.
and stuff ... like what? Live rock does the filtering in our tanks which is why we put more of it in our sumps. You really should stay away from bio balls because they collect detrius and crap that will cause nitrate issues just like your current filter. If you do use them they'll have to be cleaned very often.
yes, you want to put live rock in the sump, that section will be your refugium.

And you use a return pump to pump the water back up to the tank.
google overflow box, that is what most people use to move the water down. And then I am using a mag 5 to return the water, but there are lots of good brands out there for the pump