Aiptasia or Feather Duster?


Reefing newb
I'm hoping it isn't Aiptasia. I looked at a bunch of pics and can't really figure it out, but to me it looks more like a feather duster. Just need an expert's opinion. This is Day 2 of my 10g nano cycle.


  • SW 10g Day 2 LR Unidentified Creature.jpg
    SW 10g Day 2 LR Unidentified Creature.jpg
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I'm hoping it isn't Aiptasia. I looked at a bunch of pics and can't really figure it out, but to me it looks more like a feather duster. Just need an expert's opinion. This is Day 2 of my 10g nano cycle.

Hard to tell, but looks like aptaisia...

Try touching it...If it retracts lighting quick, even before you have touched it, it is a feather duster...If it retracts quick (not lighting quick) after you touch it, it is aptaisia..
look at the base, if it looks like a "fleshy" base, its most likely not a duster b/c they make "tubes" that they can hide in. and a closer shot would help a lot in the identification
Pretty sure it's a feather duster. The tube was longer in proportion to the rest of the organism than what I've seen for Aiptasia, and more characteristic of the feather duster. Thanks a lot everyone! I will stay on the look-out for aiptasia though :(
ive seen aptasia stretch out and have a very small tube, if it doesnt have a calcified tube, im most likely not a tubeworm, the tube will literally look like a white vein on the rock most times with the smaller hitchhikers, the only other type ive seen is actually in the rock itself and you can tell it is sticking out of a hole
Whether or not it was Aiptasia is a non-issue now. Found another organism like a half-inch away from it. Textbook Aiptasia. After reading about all the ways to get rid of it, I decided to just boil the rock since I had a few other seeded rock to get my cycle going. I just have to keep an eye on the rest of the live rock...
Be careful boiling the the organisms die and release their chemicals, it becomes steam, and if inhaled, can poison you and anything else in the house, causing major sickness. While boiling, make sure you have a few windows open for ventilation.
Be careful boiling the the organisms die and release their chemicals, it becomes steam, and if inhaled, can poison you and anything else in the house, causing major sickness. While boiling, make sure you have a few windows open for ventilation.

Well if I drop over dead, you all know why :P

It was just one rock maybe one pound. Turned green. Kinda weird...