Aggresive Clown


Team Liquid Force
I have two black clownfish and the female is extremely aggresive. It is always biting at the other clown. They been together for 2 months and will still pick on him. Also, the clown always bites my hand when I put it into the tank. I just recetly added a watchman goby and the clown is picking on him too.

I want to kill this little b i t c h.

What should I do? Do you think this will be an on going problem? I feel bad for the other fish. And it gets frustrating because I cant even put my hand in the tank.
Clowns are aggressive fish. Sometimes they just can't get along with their tankmates. I don't think she will just stop this behavior... You have to pick which fish you care about the most, and if that means catching the clown, then you should probably do so. But once you remove her, the other clown might become aggressive too... Fish are weird.

I'm assuming you have them in your 55, right? Or are they all in the 10?
Before you get rid of the clown, you could try rearranging all of the rocks, that way the clown won't recognize it as "her" territory and will have to re-establish territory with the fish already in there. It's a pain in the butt but worth a try.
Before you get rid of the clown, you could try rearranging all of the rocks, that way the clown won't recognize it as "her" territory and will have to re-establish territory with the fish already in there. It's a pain in the butt but worth a try.

Nope, I will take the clown back before I re-arrange my rock. I love the way it looks now, I spent hours doing aquascaping. It doesn't matter where the fish it, it will still atack it.
Its possible that you'll have to remove the rock to even catch the clown.
I hope not,but the risk is there.
Either way,hope you get it worked out with it.
my clown is the same.attacks the other firefish female, attacks my hand,and i tried chaging the rocks for the corals and so i can catch her more easily shell be coming out this week
Its possible that you'll have to remove the rock to even catch the clown.
I hope not,but the risk is there.
Either way,hope you get it worked out with it.

Nope, got the little bitch the first time. Clowns are the easiest fish to catch. Drop a little flake food in the tank and BAMB!!

She is already at the fish store. I traded her in for little something. I will post pics later tonight after it is acclimated.:helm2:
the maroon clown in my work tank was a little wench as well. What I did was add fish bigger than it was, not even more aggressive, just bigger. They recognize size. A goby is no match for the aggression of a clown. I put in a foxface that was three times the size of the clown and it stopped being a butt...unless you get too close to his anemone. out!!!

-Dr Marco :sfish::sfish:
I traded the clown for a candy cane and 4 snails, not a bad trade. I didn't loose too much money. Everyone celebrate, this is my first coral that I added to my 55gallon:bounce: and its an LPS. Damn, I am a badass:bowdown:haha.
Nice candy cane,congrats!
The center is very vibrant green.It must be those new awesome lights.
,Yes Sir, and that is with only 3 of the bulbs on. (2) aquablue's and (1) 6500k. My new bulbs will be in on tuesday. This is my final decision. I only had to order 2 aquaz, and one blue plus. I am swapping those for the Aquablue's and a super actinic. That combo was too pink/purple.

Aquaz Oceanpro
Blue Plus
Blue Plus
Aquaz Oceanpro
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