additions to my 33 gallon


Reefing newb

I just got a cleaner shrimp, 4 small hermit crabs (2 as hitchhikers) and 2 big snails (no idea what kind yet) as well as another piece of live rock for my tank (5 lbs).
First let me say, (realizing what a newbie I will sound like) watching the cleaner shrimp clean other fish is so cool! My clown really seemed to enjoy it.
The hermit crabs are small and black in color except for the antenna which are red/orange and eyes which are green. Can anyone tell me what they are? I tried to get a few pics but my camera is acting up tonight.
Also, my live rock seems to have 5-7 small polyps (maybe) on it. orange colored, kinda shaped like a daisey. Do you think the will survive in my low light setup? I have moderate-high waterflow (i think. roughly 700gph in 33 gal.) And will they spread and grow? Right now they are to small to even get a decent picture of.
If i can get my camera working properly again I will post a couple pics.
If you think that saying its cool watching a cleaner shrimp clean fish sounds noob,You should hear me yell for the wife and kids when I see mine cleaning a fish.

There are a lot of different kinds of hermits.Most are fairly reef safe.

As for the hitch hiking polyps,They may survive,they may not.I hope they do.Some types of corals are non-photosynthic and will do well in low light tanks.
Cant wait to see pics.
If you think that saying its cool watching a cleaner shrimp clean fish sounds noob,You should hear me yell for the wife and kids when I see mine cleaning a fish.

There are a lot of different kinds of hermits.Most are fairly reef safe.

As for the hitch hiking polyps,They may survive,they may not.I hope they do.Some types of corals are non-photosynthic and will do well in low light tanks.
Cant wait to see pics.
lol thats hilarious, red is the same way...except he starts really yelling when the shrimp is cleaning him....i think its sooooo awesome to watch. its like the fish just dock up and let the shrimp go to town:) it feels cool too:) so id be equally as excited
So far my clown is the only one lining up for the service, but he certainly seems to think it feels good. He has gone back 5 times in the last 45 minutes. Mostly he opens his mouth and waits for the shrimp to clean inside, which I find halarious to watch, and a little peculiar...maybe because I hate the dentist:).
lol that's so cool. I've never seen them clean the inside of the mouth. you should post a pic of that if you can
I hav'nt got to see a cleaner clean yet, I guess I'll have to get one thay sound neat. Good luck with the additions.
i will post a few pictures as soon as i get a new camera. it's funny, the clownfish is stalking the cleaner shrimp; Everywhere he goes.
on closer inspection this morning, there are more polyps (if that is in fact what they are) then i realized. There are about 20 that I see right now. So I am more interested in helping them to survive and hopefully spread. Does anyone have any advice?
They are only about 1/8 inch tall right now, could I expect them to get any bigger maybe?
So here are a couple pictures. the new shrimp, the new snail and the polyps. Can someone confirm that they are infact polyps?



This is a pic of my scat getting the inside of his mouth cleaned...
I do know that he will need a bigger tank, and I do plan to upgrade before too long. I bought him about a year ago and he is still only about 2.5 inches in diameter. I was misinformed when I purchased him. Oh well, I like him and it's a good excuse to get a bigger tank soon:)
oh man thats soooooo cool!!!!!!!!

yeah a month ago i was set on getting a 24 gallon nano or im wanting a 120 ish bigger the better i guess. plus its super addictive.....
i'm not sure what the polyps are. I haven't seen anything like that before.

It is indeed cool watching the cleaner shrimp. I have a small yellow watchman goby, and he's the only fish in the tank that will let the shrimp clean him. It's halarius when the shrimp cleans inside his mouth because he's about 5 times the size of the goby. they first time I saw it happen I thought the watchman was dead because the shrimp was rolling him around like crazy. then, the watchman busted loose from him, swam for a second, then came right back for more!
your snail is a Mexican Turbo snail. great algae eaters. Nice clove polyps as well. You got a nice hitchhiker

They look clove polyps or maybe psp, but either way they are very hardy and don't require a ton of light. On a side note though they can be aggressive growers and take over a tank, so I would locate the rock away from the rest so it dosn't spread to the other rocks.
Great pics BTW