Adding ATS with refugium??


newbie reefer
I have been thinking of redoing my 29g sump. It is an open system with ATS, HOB skimmer, and dual media reactor. There has been nasty growth of light brown, and green algae growing on the rock rubble on the floor. I have a DSB in the display tank, and no green algae growing, just some cyano on the rocks.

My thoughts are to add baffles, to make a refugium, and a middle return section. Could I also incorporate the ATS above the refugium, or would that cancel out the growth of any cheato? My intent is to have a cleaner system. This is my current set up. And yes i have mounted the powerstrip to the wall :-D

And my son for a dramatic quick responces!
Why thank you. Yes it's not consistant for my liking. I attempted to add baffles when I first built it, but they broke free. I didn't add enough silicone. I have been looking at different designs of how I would like to set it up. I'm thinking of the return will be in the middle with baffles on either side. But thanks for the info.