Adding 3 fish at a time

Neno reefs

Reefing newb
I dont even have my tank filled with saltwater yet but i am already thinking about how i am going to get the stock. :bounce:

After the tank is cycled i would like to make a order includeing 2 clown fish, 1 watchmen goby, CUC, some coral, and a urchin. But i would think that would be way to much bioload for a new tank and crash the tank. But is there like something i could do/add to the tank to get used to the bioload of 3 fish before i actualy put the fish in? Or should i just plan on getting the 2 and get the goby another time?

(also remember the closest LFS is 2 hours away and there prices on fish are high, and they dont some fish, so almsot everything i have to order)
I would add the CUC and a few hardy coral at first , then the Goby , then the 2 clowns. You need to build the bacteria levels to support your bio-load , which could take time. The slower you go with things the better off you will be in the long run.
I would add the CUC and a few hardy coral at first , then the Goby , then the 2 clowns. You need to build the bacteria levels to support your bio-load , which could take time. The slower you go with things the better off you will be in the long run.

But tex... doesn't it require one fish to start the bio load balance.. you need something in the tank that produces ammonia... right? ....AND the CUC and coral. Unless I missed the whole ship much less the boat. But just one at first... let it start the processes and survive.. and clowns are one of the best and heartiest. Note: when that new clown loafs around and hangs out in the corners... that is normal for these guys.

In my opinion, a clown is a great start.. AFTER we know we have cycled.
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The first fish i add i would like to be clowns because 1: i want something active to look at untill i get the other fish. 2: there hardy and can stand the new tank better, and 3: i cant see paying $30-40 dollors just to ship 1 goby
The first fish i add i would like to be clowns because 1: i want something active to look at untill i get the other fish. 2: there hardy and can stand the new tank better, and 3: i cant see paying $30-40 dollors just to ship 1 goby

and .. and...and... the kids LOVE em

when I started my tank.. I got very lucky.. they had just taken in a 2-3/8" clown as an exchange.. and I got it for $15.. she is still doing great.. and she has been through it all... what a trooper. Later I got her a little 1-1/2" match.. So it is now the male and she the female.. and she took him under her wing instantly.. NO one picked on her new boy friend!
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oh right forgot you had to order online, the clown would do just fine, damsels are another one that would work, but they are aggressive so, depending on what you want to do with your tank, go for the clown
The OP stated "after the tank has cycled", so I was going off of that.

After doing a "fishless cycle" I will NEVER cycle another tank with a fish. I don't feel its a good way to do it.
It is true that a table shrimp or what ever will produce the ammonia cycle... but I do not consider a tank fully cycled until it has a fish alive and well. .. unless you are going to have a no fish tank (corals,LR, and CUC only)
Since when do you "NEED" fish ? By feeding the coral, you will still be feeding the bacteria as the missed food breaks down. That will also provide food for the CUC , waste put off by the CUC will also help feed bacteria. If done correctly , then at that time you could possibly add all 3 fish at the same time and avoid the extra shipments .

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Since when do you "NEED" fish ? By feeding the coral, you will still be feeding the bacteria as the missed food breaks down. That will also provide food for the CUC , waste put off by the CUC will also help feed bacteria. If done correctly , then at that time you could possibly add all 3 fish at the same time and avoid the extra shipments .

To the OP : has some clean up crews with FREE SHIP
Cleaner Packages with Free Shipping

I warmly disagree.. 3 fish is too much of a change in bio load.. .you will very likely trigger another mini cycle. CUC, coral and such are not Bio Load.
Completly off-topic but am i the only one that cant flip to the next page of this thread?

EDIT: never mind i think i fixed it
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