ACK! GBTA coming soon!

No, his foot is in the rocks and his tentacle thingies are sticking out swaying in the current. But he's squished tight in there kinda like a taco so he's not open nearly as much as he could be. And the foot was facing outward and his tentacles were up against the powerhead, like he did a face plant. But it really seemed like he wanted to be on that. My cleaner shrimp hangs out on the other K2 all day long. They don't seem to create much sucking power at all.
gbta are great i have two, we have club members who either trade them or sell them for 20 bucks i floated mine for 20 minutes than dumped them out. Easy to care for i rarely feed mine cause they get enough light to live off of. Gbta and rbta are easy anenomes to care for if you have stable tank conditions if they move alot than they may not be happy for some reason. My 75 gallon has 2 rbta, 2 flower anenome, and a heteractis magnifica, all our healthy and tank will be up and running one full year at end of january coming up.
Ok, here it is...

Yah it does look pretty good. His bulbs will come out if you feed it.

I squirted some marine cuisine right into the center of him right after I took the pic but he didn't really do anything. I think it just all floated away. Will I know if he is actually eating? Do they close up on the food or something???
they won't always eat, i wouldn't worry about trying to get it to eat light is all they mostly need. Food will stick to there tentacles and then it will close up.
Ya they will close up. Did you turn your pumps off. It would probably do better with a larger piece of shrimp or a silverside.
don't freak out sometimes they will shrivel up and expell waste out there mouths and look like there on there death bed and than hours later look good again.
No, my powerheads were still on. Main system pump was off.
I'll try to pick up something else at my LFS.
Good to know it may not really be needed though. But I want to make him happy. :)
That BTA looks good and healthy to me.
I used to feed mine a couple of times a week.Usually biggers foods like silver sides and raw table shrimp.