

Reefing newb
so i know this is a newbie question, ive just never asked when ive always wanted too.

when it comes to acclimating fish, inverts and everything, some people say to float the bag in the tank for a while to adjust the temperature before releasing them. others tell me to pour water into the bag to adjust to salinity, pH, etc.

ive always done the latter, and it's always worked out fine, i was just wondering what everyone here had to say on it.

thanks :)
I also drip acclimate also. I used to just temp acclimate (because that is what I did for FW), but began to loose more sensitive corals and inverts.
I also drip acclimate. Two and a half to three hours. Although the last time I picked up hermits I only did it for about a half hour.
I float everything for 10-15 minutes. Then fish and inverts I'll drip for 30-60 mins. Corals I've always put right into the tank right after floating, I've never seen any ill effects even from my sensitive SPS
I too drip acclimate, I will swear by it. I was just floating the bag at first then fish started dieing on me. i started drip acclimation and havent lost a fish since ( unless it was eaten) :shock:.