a living reefs frag trade

It is a great idea but IMO there is a lot of liability with sending corals. It can be a pain in the ass with shipping live coral. We all know that the shipping companies have issues with items being shipped on time. Shipping delicate corals has its limits on how long they can be keeped alive in a bag. And considering that it is winter time, this can make it more difficult. I think there would be a lot of un-happy members if their corals didn't make it.

The frag swap is a great idea, if it were locally I think it would be more feasible. But sending corals nationwide has its risks and I don't think it would be worth the risk. Just my opinion.
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You list what you have available to frag. Provide a line by line list of what you are willing to trade.

Then provide a list of what you'd like. Your "Wish List"

People can speak up and ask for certain frags from other members.

First guy/gal that breaks the chain and doesn't send a frag on to the next person gets drummed out of living reefs on a shit wagon to hell. :chair:

I've seen this happen on another forum before. There was a nice frag swap going from coast to coast. It went through about 25 people and all was going smoothly. Then some dill-hole got his frag and never sent one on to the next person. Since that person didn't get their frag, they never sent one on down the line. The chain was essentially broken when the dill-hole took his frag and ran.

I'll send ANYTHING I got to ANYBODY that wants it. But if you don't "pay it forward" to the next person in line, I'll be a rotten SOB to you until Biff bans you from LR.

Here's my list of what I have to send out:
Purple Death polyps
Watermelon zoas
Fuzzy Green mushrooms
Green striped mushrooms
Purple mushrooms
Pink palys
Yellow polyps
Superman mushrooms

Here's what I'd like:
Nuclear Green palys
ANY exotic zoas

LPS frags:

Whatcha got for me? :^:

Whatcha want from me? :mrgreen:
I think a "surprise" frag would be a bad idea. How would you know the recipient is capable of caring for the coral? Lighting, etc. My opinion, anyway. RCpilot has a good plan, I like that.
we will just have to go to walmart and buy some hothands and tape them inside the box. to keep them warm but watch the weather and do not send the package if it is below 0
i think this can be done but sooo much detail will need to be worked out first. Might not be worth all the effort tho when you can just go to a LFS or a local frag swap.
cthegame, that's easy for us to say because we live in the "Mecca" of reefing. I'm pretty sure the frag swaps in Wisconsin are not as common as ours in california... so I'm willing to ship out some frags to those who have trouble getting good corals.
I have a bunch of green hairy shrooms that are growing too fast and I'll need to get rid of, and I refuse to "prune and flush" these animals when someone else would love to have them. Theres loads of reefers out here who trim xenia from their tanks like its hair algae!
i have been trying to get some awesome zoos from my LFS for the last 6-8 months now ... i would love to get some pink panthers but because we live in Indiana the selections for our LFS to get shipped here are pretty slim
cthegame, that's easy for us to say because we live in the "Mecca" of reefing. I'm pretty sure the frag swaps in Wisconsin are not as common as ours in california... so I'm willing to ship out some frags to those who have trouble getting good corals.

Yea good point. Didnt think of it.
Might be a good idea,to plan the first shipment for around mid-spring.That way the corals wont end up sitting on a cold tarmac at some airport for 2 hours in 20* weather.
I'm in. Got a couple bits off my pavona I'll trade. Shipping is ok with me, but I'll have special shipping issues because of our weather. A couple of handwarmers in the cooler works wonders! We should organize it somewhat. Maybe we can list what we've got available and then we can read what everyone else has and we can go from there.
