a Good SandCleaner..

try some nassarius snails. They are very hardy, live in the sand and come up and eat leftover food and poop and whatever else they can find. When they go up and down they naturally stir the sand.
I just put 10 nassarius snails in my tanks a few days ago and they will stir up the top inch of two of sand but not much deeper. Last night I drank a cup of strong tea thinking it was herbal decaf --it wasn't. I was up till 3am. I look in the tank in the middle of the night and all the nassarius snails are out of the sand crawling around. I assume they are nocturnal. They will also come out if there is a lot of food floatting around in the water.
i have 2 different brittle stars in my tank. been alive and well for over a year.... well at least i think as far as one of them goes. one i can usually spot in the rockwork somewhere. the other is in the sand somewhere, but i have only seen it when i move the tank. I used to see it back when it first got it and had it in my 36gal. i would see it come out and mill around at night. now, not even that. Im wondering doc, what type of stars do you have because no way in hell do i have access to readily pick up my stars and jack around with them. I even had a mishap with a rock on one of them and it lost an arm when we were moving. re gen and back to normal!

I have had nassarius in 2 of 3 mof my tanks. i love them but get discouraged because crabs seem to love hunting them. I had tons of nassarius die due to crabs.
I have 4 stars in my tank -- 2 brittle and 2 serpent. Or I should say, I have added 4 stars to my tank. I see them maybe once a month or so. They are nocturnal too, but my theory is that in such a big tank, they don't NEED to come out and hunt, so they don't. There's more than enough food right where they are.