A couple of questions


Reefing newb
ok, I have been wondering a couple of things.

First of all, are all clownfish total gluttens? Mine will eat all day. Flakes, Frozen, dried, algae wafers...anything.

Next, I have green algae on my front glass. but it's a hard algae kinda like coraline. It won't come off with the magnet or a cloth. How do I get it off?

I have a bubble tip brittle star ( i think) but it hasn't come out of it's cave in about a month. It used to come out every night. Should I worry?

Lastly, my water level goes down noticeably every day. About 1/4 inch a day. Is this a normal evaporation rate?

K, that's it. Thank you as always.
ok, I have been wondering a couple of things.

First of all, are all clownfish total gluttens? Mine will eat all day. Flakes, Frozen, dried, algae wafers...anything.Yep thats normal

Next, I have green algae on my front glass. but it's a hard algae kinda like coraline. It won't come off with the magnet or a cloth. How do I get it off?Very well could be.A flat razor blade will take it right off.

I have a bubble tip brittle star ( i think) but it hasn't come out of it's cave in about a month. It used to come out every night. Should I worry?I wouldnt worry just yet.Watch for an ammonia spike for a day or so.My brittle star goes missing for days at a time.

Lastly, my water level goes down noticeably every day. About 1/4 inch a day. Is this a normal evaporation rate?Thats normal too.I usually lose a gallon or so a day.

K, that's it. Thank you as always.

Hope that helps.
yote has you covered, expect I will add a different method for removing the green algae. get an algae scraper from the LFS. razor blades work, but you run the risk of cutting yourself badly. they are cheap at the LFS. make sure you pick the right one for your tank. acryllic tanks need the plastic scrapers while glass tanks can use the metal ones. one trick for the hard to reach corners of your tank, if you have a glass tank, nab a few particles of sand from the bottom of the tank and use it to buff off the algae with your fingers. works everytime. don't try that trick with acryllic or you will scratch the hell out of the tank

There is an attachment for Mag Floats that you can buy called EZ Blades. It's a razor blade that superglues to the Mag Float which has made cleaning my glass SUPER EASY. Go buy one!
Make sure you pick up some super glue too.Thats how you attach it to a mag float.I have one of those easy blades to and it works great....never get your hands wet.