75 Gallon in Wall Aquarium w/ 55 Sump first tank and build

A few pics of the the duncan, trumpet and coraline algae growth. Everything is going well so far. Well minus the ich outbreak and taking out most of the tank. :frustrat: I have lost no corals yet however, but did choose to remove the condy anenome from the tank due to his aggressiveness and stinging the star polyp. And whoever said it is a good idea to start with damsels should be shot! haha I had to remove every rock in my tank to catch the last bully and get him out of there!!


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and the other two pics. these are with my phone so quality is lacking.


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I'm trying to recover from a major green bubble algae problem. I definitely lacked on care for the tank for months and am paying the price now. I have bubble algae in my return lines, overflow, power heads, covering rocks, etc. I'm starting to manually remove and water change every weekend. Any other tips to help me reclaim this tank? Thanks in advance.
Emerald Crabs are your friend with bubble algae. Keep feedings to a minimum so the crabs won't ignore the algae for any meaty food/pellets. Best of luck :)
I feel your pain, mine broke out in hair algae and I mean badddd. I have neglected my 75gallon ever since I started building the 180gallon upgrade but also paid the price. Lost a few acros, a lot of my lps has died back, and one of my anthias was infected with popeye. I felt bad about it for some time and have procrastinated fixing it due to work. I had 2 days off in a row and decided enough was enough, made some saltwater yesterday and did a 32 gallon water change (size of the brute container it was in). I also removed all of the rock and scrubbed the algae off with a cheap wire brush. Reassembled the rock in the tank and cleaned the power heads as well. Hopefully I nipped mine in the butt before the tank crashed. Check your nitrates; that was the culprit in mine due to lack of water changes they climbed up to a staggering 180ppm which snowballed from my skimmer cup overflowing a good 5 times since the last water change :(

Best of luck to you necat, try removing the rock and giving it all a good scrubbin. Hope that helps.
I feel your pain, mine broke out in hair algae and I mean badddd. I have neglected my 75gallon ever since I started building the 180gallon upgrade but also paid the price. Lost a few acros, a lot of my lps has died back, and one of my anthias was infected with popeye. I felt bad about it for some time and have procrastinated fixing it due to work. I had 2 days off in a row and decided enough was enough, made some saltwater yesterday and did a 32 gallon water change (size of the brute container it was in). I also removed all of the rock and scrubbed the algae off with a cheap wire brush. Reassembled the rock in the tank and cleaned the power heads as well. Hopefully I nipped mine in the butt before the tank crashed. Check your nitrates; that was the culprit in mine due to lack of water changes they climbed up to a staggering 180ppm which snowballed from my skimmer cup overflowing a good 5 times since the last water change :(

Best of luck to you necat, try removing the rock and giving it all a good scrubbin. Hope that helps.

I have removed a lot of the rock and it has been dry for about 4 months. Should I soak it in something particular or just scrub with a toothbrush?
I need to get back after this tank and clean it up. Im trying to make it a priority this year! Have a great day!