6 foot tank

Reef since Im going to go with the Constellations light do you think that I should overdrive them with an Icecap ballast or just let them alone? If you think they should be overdriven can you point me in the direction of how to do it?
Looks like you've got the planning stage going really well. Looks like you picked out the tank,stand,lights,and protein skimmer. Go with the Octopus over the Coralife Super Skimmer. I wish I would of. Been having problems with the CSS. Are you building your sump/furge? Have you decided if your going closed circuit? You'll need a couple heaters. Go with two so if one breaks you'll at least have one working one. While you have the time read up on anything on saltwater tanks. Once your tank is up and running you won't want to.
If I learned anything from this site it is to get lots of Damsels because they are easy to catch. You also want to put as much copper in your tank as you can because invertebrates feed off of that stuff. Also don't listen to the LFS because freshwater fish like plecos can easily survive in a saltwater reef environment. Once you introduce your fish if you see any white dots on them this is a good sign. It usually means that they are slowly growing white fur to help keep warm when your tank temperature falls and rises during the winter and summer months. In addition, you don't need to buy frozen, flake, or pellet food. Any scraps you have left over from your dinner or your cat/dogs dinner can be added into the tank. Boy does that get gobbled up fast!

Warning: If you are a new to saltwater, please disregard anything I just said.
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Thats the best advice Ive gotten yet Matt thank you so much, Im going to recommend that you and Mr(Dr.) Fenner have a live debate on JOHNS SATURDAY NIGHT CHAT live AT 700PM PACIFIC so that you can debunk all of that crackpot research of his.

Piggy I have a 40ish gallon tank that Im going to use for a sump/fuge (maybe fuge isnt the correct term think seahorse and leafy dragons) will the same glass heaters that I use in my freshwater work for salt? I use good marineland ones but Ive heard of titanium(?) ones being used. Im reading so much online that its not even funny. Woohoo my copy of Dr. Bobs Conscientous Marine Aquarist should be here tomorrow...and a book on wine and winemaking.

PS Matt I hope that no newbies read our crap and take it for the gospel that would be a miscarriage of justice and bad karma too
Are they submersible? Marineland heaters can be used. Titanium heaters are great but a lot more expensive. Don't forget the ground probe. When you get the furge set up let me know if it works for seahorses.
Um whats a ground probe(metal probe that ground electricity in case of short)? They are completely submersible have one hanging in my FW planted now. They cost about $30.

I havent researched the seahorses and leafy Dragons much at all gotta see what they need to survive. I know they dont do well in a "reef" more like kelp flats and such so I have MORE reading to do.
Reef since Im going to go with the Constellations light do you think that I should overdrive them with an Icecap ballast or just let them alone? If you think they should be overdriven can you point me in the direction of how to do it?

No,that would be wasting money and I'm not even sure if the Icecap ballsat will fit in the fixture.Run it as is or go with a retro kit.Aquactinics do sell overdriven fixtures with built in Icecap ballast but they only come in 36'' and 48'' models.They call them the Solarflares.
Be aware Ryan,that when you to overdriven T-5s,your cutting your bulb life back down to 6 to 8 months.
I think Im just going to get the constellations. Reef do your keep many sps corals under yours Id like to have enough light to keep them eventually I just want to make sure that Im going to have enough light to accomodate what I want when I am able to have it without having to dump more money into it. Id rather overkill a little in the beginning and not have to continually upgrade.