Quick update on the tank. It has been up and running since late Jan. I had some chromis in the tank for a brief spell, but they fell to ich.
In the past, I've had no trouble treating freshwater ich, but this came on real fast. I dropped the salinity for a while, which seemed to get rid off symptoms for a week or so, but as soon as I started bringing the salinity back up, the ich was back.
After the fish died, I let the system go fallow a few weeks, then added some caribbean live rock. I only got 12 lbs, and broke the rock in three pieces. Good critters, including a sponge which I can't believe has survived (out of water for a few minutes). After the rock was in a few days, I noticed fan worm tubes, but no crowns. I assumed they were dead, but now six weeks later, I have a huge colony of cluster dusters which I feed once a week. I picked up three snails and five hermit crabs, but a large crab immediately killed a snail, swapped the shell, then ate one of the few halimeda that came on my rock. The demon was summarily whisked back to the lfs whence he came.
In week six, little has appeared to grow other than the cluster dusters. The halimeda has small buds, but otherwise lackluster growth. Although my light is still fairly low, I expected a bit more. I picked up a Ca test kit and found my levels around 150mg/l. The tank has been receiving Purple Up this week, and Ca levels are slowly adjusting.
Today, while staring at the clouds of Purple Up I had just added, I saw a few little 'pods running around on the glass. Copepods or Amphipods I have no idea, but I am still glad to see the ecosystem growing.
Unfortunately I don't have many photos of the tank, as my g/f left the digital camera at relatives' house last month. Instead, for all the tropical lovers, I'll post a pic of my plumeria that bloomed from late Dec until March. This is a tree we picked up in Hawai'i. It hates TN, so it stays comfy and warm in the living room under a 250 watt metal halide.