30 gal "Reeflite"

Order submitted- Equipment on the way. I went w/ the 1200, so that will soon make for at least three of us. To my pleasant surprise, Pet Supplies, Dog Supplies, Cat Supplies, Pet Meds and Pet Products from Drs. Foster & Smith doesn't charge extra for heavy items, so I am getting my sand dirt cheap. I picked up the Carib Sea special grade reef sand.

The only items left are livestock and rocks. For those in Chattanooga -has anyone used or know specifics about the lacerock at Bermuda Triangle? Any other sources for inexpensive base rock that is suitable for coraline growth?
Perfecto Glass Canopies 36" (I'll use old striplights) $20.99
Mag-Float Algae Scraper (b/c I am lazy) $5.59
Maxi-Jet Powerhead/Pump Model 1200 (295 gph) $17.19
Hydrometer 1.000 to 1.030 specific gravity $8.49
Special Grade Reef Sand 40 lbs $31.99
Rotating Deflector FLO $12.99
Penguin BIO-Wheel Power Filters 200 $24.49
Subtotal = $121.73
Shipping $12.99
JellyMan said:
That makes two of us anyone else with a 30 gallon runnin 1200??
On my 30 im running 3 Penguin 1140s rated at 300gph,2 emperor 400s,not sure what their rated at,the a seaclone 125 skimmer.
Cant remember what bermudas look a-like base rock cost,but the other stuff is right around 2 bucks a pound
Welcome to the forums Brian. I would try to start the tank with some live rock. I think that is a big key in helping minimize the cycle. When I started my 75 I only had approx 20lbs of LR and another 15 of dead rock. I started with the live sand most lfs carry. I ran my emp 400 with the boi wheels and a magnum 350 cannister filter. And I started with a seaclon 125 - My tank really never cycled - I never had an ammonia spike - I did have a brown algae outbreak but water changes and a lawnmower blennie took care of that. I think the bio wheels and media in the cannister filters help in the beginning stages of a tank. In the beginning you want to get the bennificial bacteria. I did remove the biowheels after 6 months or so. I ran 4 normal output flour. lights 2 12k and 2 actinic and I kept some mushrooms and kenya tree coral. I still use the sea clone 125 skimmer on my 75. It pulls a good amount of nasty brown skimmate. the aqua c ramora is a much better skimmer but I think you would be more that fine using the seaclone for a while. I started my reef tank with the very minimal equipment and have not any problems related to that( quickly knocks on wood!! ). Hope this helps a little - If you can come up the meeting next weekend it's at my house in cleveland. There will be a bunch of us local guys there. I may have a spare powerhead you can have to help with the water movement. As stated earlier by everyone else - as questions come up ask away - everyone here is very helpful.
I plan on making it to the meeting next week. In the meantime I may be absent from the forum for a little while - I am sitting for the TN bar exam at the end of Feb., so I am trying to pack in as much studytime as possible. I find it is best if I don't even turn on my comp during the day, otherwise I take a break every half an hour to read up on fish. Focusing is not my forte. :wink:

I will keep working on the tank as supplies come in though, and I will post updates as they occur.

Thanks again for all the help!
Good luck with the bar! With all the studying you'll be doing you will need a break. Michael's aquatic Den up here in Cleveland just 100lbs of LR in and he will be selling it for $5.99 per lb. That's about the lowest you'll find it.
Quick update on the tank. It has been up and running since late Jan. I had some chromis in the tank for a brief spell, but they fell to ich.



In the past, I've had no trouble treating freshwater ich, but this came on real fast. I dropped the salinity for a while, which seemed to get rid off symptoms for a week or so, but as soon as I started bringing the salinity back up, the ich was back.

After the fish died, I let the system go fallow a few weeks, then added some caribbean live rock. I only got 12 lbs, and broke the rock in three pieces. Good critters, including a sponge which I can't believe has survived (out of water for a few minutes). After the rock was in a few days, I noticed fan worm tubes, but no crowns. I assumed they were dead, but now six weeks later, I have a huge colony of cluster dusters which I feed once a week. I picked up three snails and five hermit crabs, but a large crab immediately killed a snail, swapped the shell, then ate one of the few halimeda that came on my rock. The demon was summarily whisked back to the lfs whence he came.

In week six, little has appeared to grow other than the cluster dusters. The halimeda has small buds, but otherwise lackluster growth. Although my light is still fairly low, I expected a bit more. I picked up a Ca test kit and found my levels around 150mg/l. The tank has been receiving Purple Up this week, and Ca levels are slowly adjusting.

Today, while staring at the clouds of Purple Up I had just added, I saw a few little 'pods running around on the glass. Copepods or Amphipods I have no idea, but I am still glad to see the ecosystem growing.

Unfortunately I don't have many photos of the tank, as my g/f left the digital camera at relatives' house last month. Instead, for all the tropical lovers, I'll post a pic of my plumeria that bloomed from late Dec until March. This is a tree we picked up in Hawai'i. It hates TN, so it stays comfy and warm in the living room under a 250 watt metal halide.

Biffs right,with halimeda in your tank you'll never get your calcium up.
What brand of salt are you using?Some brands of salt are just plain low on calcium.
I started with Reef Crystals. When I ordered my second bag I accidently got Instant Ocean. I am not sure there is a huge difference right now- I don't have anything real demanding in the tank.

The daily additions of Purple Up this week have raised the Ca by 25mg/l per day. If I end up having to do daily supps to keep the halimeda I won't mind, but I will watch it for Ca consumption and may rip out a clump if it is using too much. Right now there are three in the tank, but only one is growing.

I never had much of an algae bloom in my tank, just a bit of diatom for a month. This week, I noticed the diatom algae is almost gone. Even better, I am seeing small purple spots replace it. I must say, although it is sometimes frustrating to build a tank over a period of months before even stocking fish, it is rewarding to observe the slowly developing changes that would have certainly been eclipsed by a few sparkly fish. Consider me converted... I am a "reefer."